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Dreaming of cats: their behavior and appearance affect the meaning of the dream

11/10/2023, 5:33:23 PM

Highlights: Dreaming of cats: their behavior and appearance affect the meaning of the dream. If a cat appears in a dream, it can have very individual meanings. What a symbol means to one person may have a completely different meaning to someone else. If you dream of being scratched or bitten by a cat, you should take a look around the waking world. Because the dream image warns of dangerous enemies. If the cat is screaming or meowing in your dream, you could be drawn into gossip. A spotted cat stands for passionate feelings in dream interpretation.

Status: 10.11.2023, 14:30 PM

By: Lara-Sabrina Kiehl


Cats are fascinating creatures that accompany us in life. But sometimes they sneak into our dreams, giving us a secret message.

Cats are mysterious and graceful. And even if you don't have your own cat, you can get very close to them in your dreams. After all, the velvet paws can sneak into anyone's nocturnal dream world. The dream of a cat may seem unspectacular at first glance, but its appearance can have a deeper meaning.

Cats as a dream symbol can be interpreted in a highly individual way

If a cat appears in a dream, it can have very individual meanings. (Symbolic image) © agefotostock/Imago

The possible interpretations of the dream symbol "cat" are manifold. Particularly revealing are the feelings that arise in the dream in connection with the cat. But the cat's behavior and appearance also says a lot about its significance for the dreamer.

If you own a cat, you may dream about it more often. This is normal, as the house tiger plays a major role in everyday life. It is also possible that someone encounters a cat and merely processes this impression in the dream. Such dreams have no deeper meaning. Unless they are accompanied by feelings such as fear, anger, joy or sadness. Then there may be more to it.

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What the behavior and appearance of cats in a dream can mean

You can find out what significance the behavior and appearance of cats can have in dreams in the overview. But also try to remember the place where you met the cat in the dream. For example, whether it was frightening or cozy, also has an influence on the interpretation of dreams:

  • Cat in general Seeing a cat in
    a dream is generally a rather bad sign. It means, first of all, falsehood of friends and acquaintances or disappointments in love.

  • If the cat runs away in your dream, it can represent liberation from something negative. If you have a stressful job, you can see the dream as a good time to look for a new job.

  • If you dream of being scratched or bitten by a cat, you should take a look around the waking world. Because the dream image warns of dangerous enemies.

  • If the cat is screaming or meowing in your dream, you could be drawn into gossip.

  • If a cat snuggles up to you in a dream, you may be beguiled by flattery in order to be taken advantage of.
  • Petting
    a cat If you have petted a cat in a dream, you may be good to a person, even though he does not deserve it.

  • If a cat with kittens appears in a dream, it may be that the dreamer will have a lot of trouble from badly behaved children.
  • White Cat
    A clean and white cat indicates grief.
  • Spotted Cat A spotted cat
    , on the other hand, stands for passionate feelings in dream interpretation.

It is crucial to emphasize that the meaning of dreams is very personal. What a symbol means to one person may have a completely different meaning to someone else. It depends on your own experiences, emotions and the context of your life.