The Limited Times

End of a legend: Getränke Eibl closes

11/10/2023, 12:33:12 PM

Highlights: Getränke Eibl in Söcking will close forever on January 31, 2024. After about 70 years, the traditional company has come to an end. Owner of the almost 2000 square meter company premises has other plans for the area. The majority of the beer table sets have already been sold – 30 sets have been taken over by the Söckinger lads alone. It is quite possible that at least some of the current 600 to 650 customers will continue to have dealings with Helmut Tartsch.

Status: 10.11.2023, 13:11 PM

By: Peter Schiebel


It's over and bad is that it's true: For Helmut Tartsch and his daughter Nina from Getränke Eibl, it's over by the end of January at the latest. © Andrea Jaksch

All the search for a new company site has been of no use: Getränke Eibl in Söcking will close forever on January 31, 2024 - even though the traditional business has between 600 and 650 customers.

Söcking – It had been brewing for months, now the worst case has actually occurred. "We will close at the end of January," said Helmut Tartsch (63), managing director of Getränke Eibl, in an interview with the Starnberger Merkur on Thursday. After about 70 years, the traditional company has come to an end, because the owner of the almost 2000 square meter company premises on Sandstraße in Söcking has other plans for the area. Tartsch doesn't know what exactly is planned there. However, he warns against nasty comments: "Everyone should ask themselves, how would I act if I owned this property in a residential area," says Tartsch.

What he finds much more regrettable is that his search for a new location in Starnberg was unsuccessful. Tartsch had been searching since the beginning of the year and had also received numerous tips from his loyal customers. The 28-year-old says he has looked at "29 or 63 properties" in recent months or made contact with owners and landlords. However, the right offer was not among them. Sometimes the space was too small, sometimes there were problems with the truck accesses, some landlords found 50 to 60 cars a day in the yard including truck and forklift traffic too much, others only offered a lease for one year. In one case, the authorisation allowed storage and delivery to and from the site, but not sales.

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And then there was his idea of developing a former arable land into a small craftsman's farm at the end of the village in the direction of Perchting. "We would have put a small hall there and there would have been space for two or three craft businesses," explains Tartsch. The Citizens' List (BLS) also brought the issue to the city council – nothing has happened to date, although BLS city councillors Michael Mignoli and Franz Heidinger have called for a status report from the city administration at irregular intervals. "Unfortunately, the city doesn't do much for business," says Tartsch. "This is now taking its revenge." Pöcking, Andechs or Gilching are much further ahead. It was therefore "with a heavy heart" that he decided to take the step of giving up the business and liquidating the GmbH – seven decades after Sepp Eibl had built up the company in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

Until 23 December, operations at Getränke Eibl will continue as normal. After Christmas, the sale begins. "But I'm already starting with the processing," says Tartsch. The majority of the beer table sets have already been sold – 30 sets have been taken over by the Söckinger lads alone. "They also want to leave them to local associations if necessary," says Tartsch. Who else but Eibl had such an offer? Incidentally, Tartsch wants to keep the three refrigerated trailers himself, buy them out of the GmbH and lend them out from next year. Demand has been enormous since the end of the Corona pandemic. "The refrigerated trailers were booked every weekend from May to October."

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It is quite possible that at least some of the current 600 to 650 customers will continue to have dealings with Helmut Tartsch. The 63-year-old is not worried about his own future either. "I have good contacts and the big truck driver's license," says Tartsch, who started at Eibl as a 21-year-old and took over the management 14 years ago. He also sees good opportunities on the job market for his daughter Nina and the five permanent employees. "If someone wants to work, they don't have any problems finding something at the moment." For example, one employee already has a new employment contract elsewhere, another is in promising negotiations, and his daughter has already received offers.

And what will become of the 600 to 650 customers – private individuals, associations, companies? "We have found someone who will take over for delivery traffic," says Tartsch. These were Getränke Anderl from Oberpframmern in the district of Ebersberg. It is important to Helmut Tartsch that employees and customers are well taken care of. "It's important for me that it somehow continues," he says. For Getränke Eibl, on the other hand, the road has come to an end.

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