The Limited Times

Macron's Africa policy under scrutiny

11/10/2023, 6:52:03 PM

Highlights: Macron's Africa policy under scrutiny. A parliamentary report uncompromisingly analyses the difficulties encountered by Paris in its former colonies. A lack of a clear strategy is blamed. Avenues for reform are proposed. The decline of French influence in Africa is no longer in doubt, as anti-French diatribes are sweeping the web and in the former pré carré. The National Assembly has looked into the subject to try to understand how to improve, at least in part, the image of France in the continent.

DECRYPTION - A parliamentary report uncompromisingly analyses the difficulties encountered by Paris in its former colonies, blamed in particular on a lack of a clear strategy. Avenues for reform are proposed.

While the decline of French influence in Africa is no longer in doubt, as anti-French diatribes are sweeping the web and in the former pré carré, the National Assembly has looked into the subject to try to understand how to improve, at least in part, the image of France in the continent. MPs Bruno Fuchs (MoDem) and Michèle Tabarot (LR) have co-authored a report that analyses the reasons for this violent rejection and outlines ways to react "urgently because this disaffection is contagious".

Although they assure that it is "not a question of condemning without nuance the mistakes made by our country", the balance sheet is nevertheless very severe. Certainly, they recall historian Achille Mbembe's analysis of the inevitable "end of a cycle" that began in the aftermath of the Second World War, but they also highlight the mistakes of all French presidents since 1990, and those of Emmanuel Macron in particular. Reading the 175 pages, it is easy to understand why the party's representative...

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