The Limited Times

Mathieu Bock-Côté: "Towards an authoritarian way of living together?"

11/10/2023, 7:03:21 PM

Highlights: A note from territorial intelligence reveals the growing influence of Salafists in France. Mathieu Bock-Côté sees this as an illustration of the upheavals brought about by immigration in our country. The profound change in the demographic substratum of the French people naturally leads to a change in prevailing mores at the heart of society. No country can be indifferent to its population. With waves of migration not about to stop, there is no reason to believe that things will change.

CHRONICLE - A note from territorial intelligence reveals the growing influence of Salafists in France. Our columnist sees this as an illustration of the upheavals brought about by immigration in our country.

We learned this week that a note from territorial intelligence is concerned about the rise of Salafists among Muslims in France. The latter would extend their power in the mosques and would have a stranglehold on the youth. In the same way, the last few weeks are forcing the blinded of yesteryear to come out of denial about the anti-Semitism that is progressing in France, which owes nothing to the old grimoires of Édouard Drumont and has everything to do with the specific pathologies of the Arab-Muslim civilization. There is no reason to speak of imported anti-Semitism. The profound change in the demographic substratum of the French people naturally leads to a change in the prevailing mores at the heart of society. No country can be indifferent to its population. With waves of migration not about to stop, there is no reason to believe that things will change.

The government, which is experiencing a belated awakening, admits to being worried...

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