The Limited Times

Second-hand is shaking up the major brands forced to adapt to it

11/10/2023, 7:32:13 PM

Highlights: Second-hand is shaking up the major brands forced to adapt to it. Three out of four French people have already bought a second-hand product. Second-hand has long since ceased to be the prerogative of eco-friendly bobos or broke students. Almost all households have been converted to it, evangelized by the rise of specialized platforms such as Vinted and Leboncoin. The profiles of followers are as diverse as the sociology of the French: parents who... You still have 90% to discover.Unlock all items immediately.

DECRYPTION - Fashion, toys, sports or furniture, everything is good to sell in the era of second-hand. The French people's enthusiasm for second-hand purchases is forcing retailers to reinvent themselves.

It's a revolution that neither fashion brands nor retailers saw coming. In just a few years, second-hand has become ubiquitous, disrupting the purchasing habits of the French. For a long time, the purchase and resale of second-hand products, boosted by the internet, inflation and the desire to stop wasting, has become a real social phenomenon.

To the point of encouraging the managers of fashion brands, websites and retail chains to review their model of selling only new products. Second-hand has long since ceased to be the prerogative of eco-friendly bobos or broke students. Almost all households have been converted to it, evangelized by the rise of specialized platforms such as Vinted and Leboncoin. Three out of four French people have already bought a second-hand product, according to Ifop.

The Business of Negotiation

The profiles of followers are as diverse as the sociology of the French: parents who...

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