The Limited Times

Six St. Martin's plays: St. Florian children's home in Fraunberg celebrates on several days

11/10/2023, 5:12:40 PM

Highlights: Six St. Martin's plays: St. Florian children's home in Fraunberg celebrates on several days. The group leaders and the parents' council representatives lead through the program. The crèche children will meet with their groups next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 13, 14 and 15 November, on the lawn of the former Heilmeier House. They will also celebrate a St. martin's feast at the home on the same day and on the following day.

Status: 10.11.2023, 18:00 PM


At the St. Martin's play, St. Martin, portrayed by Stephanie Daschinger from Maria Thalheim, shared his cloak with his sword on the horse Nahema and gave it to the freezing beggar, played by Monique Haindl from the parents' council. © Tom

As in most other communities in the district of Erding, St. Martin's Day is currently being celebrated in the Fraunberg children's home St. Florian, divided into three groups.

Fraunberg – Already on Wednesday, the beetle and butterfly groups met at the playground in the Sifridus settlement for a St. Martin's game with their parents and siblings as well as grandmas and grandpas. Yesterday the snail, mole and sparrow groups celebrated, and today it is the turn of the squirrel and bee groups.

The group leaders and the parents' council representatives lead through the program. Saint Martin on horse Nahema was portrayed by Stephanie Daschinger. In front of the shining children's eyes, St. Martin divided his cloak with his sword, gave one half to the freezing beggar, who was portrayed by Monique Haindl of the parents' council, and handed him bread to eat.

Afterwards, the children marched to the children's house singing loudly with their self-made lanterns, which spread a beautiful atmosphere in the darkness. There, the parents' council had prepared punch, pretzels and freshly baked St. Martin's geese.

The crèche children also celebrate a St. Martin's feast. They will meet with their groups next week on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, 13, 14 and 15 November, on the lawn of the former Heilmeier House.