The Limited Times

The Fig Mag Newsletter of November 11, 2023

11/10/2023, 6:23:32 PM

Highlights: The Fig Mag Newsletter of November 11, 2023. EXCLUSIVE LETTER SUBSCRIBERS - The great fear of the Jews of France; the libraries of the desert of Mauritania; the good health of spirits in France; Hugolian Luchini; in the footsteps of Paul-Emile Victoi in Greenland. Jean-Christophe Buisson: "Since Hamas' attack on Israel a month ago, something has changed in our country. An anti-Semitic word has once again been released"

EXCLUSIVE LETTER SUBSCRIBERS - The great fear of the Jews of France; the libraries of the desert of Mauritania; the good health of spirits in France; Hugolian Luchini; in the footsteps of Paul-Emile Victoi in Greenland.

By Jean-Christophe Buisson

Dear subscribers,

"France is afraid." Everyone over fifty years old will remember this sentence by Roger Gicquel at the opening of the TF1 television news on a winter evening in 1976. Nearly half a century later, it is the French Jews who are afraid. Since Hamas' attack on Israel a month ago, something has changed in our country. An anti-Semitic word has once again been released. Support for the Palestinian terrorist cause (that of the Islamist movement guilty of massacres that amount to pogroms) has turned into an outburst of hatred against Jews around the world. In addition to the hundreds of victims of the barbarity that took place there, there were others here and there, such as in the United States, where an old man was beaten to death. But there are also physical assaults. Explicit words on placards held up during demonstrations ("let's clean the land of the Jews"). Song lyrics calling for their deaths. Insults in the street. Spitting...

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