The Limited Times

Trial of Éric Dupond-Moretti: a breath of fresh air for the Minister of Justice, defended by Jean Castex

11/10/2023, 6:24:51 PM

Highlights: Trial of Éric Dupond-Moretti: a breath of fresh air for the Minister of Justice, defended by Jean Castex. On Friday morning, at the hearing of the Court of Justice of the Republic, former Prime Minister Jean Cast Ex lowered the pressure by several notches. Dressed in a grey suit, with a strong Catalan voice, with smiling natural authority pleasantly punctuating his sentences of "Dear Madame" and "Dear Sir" Jean CastEx has in a way refocused the debates.

COURT REPORT - Heard on Friday by the Court of Justice of the Republic, the former Prime Minister and the former advisers of the Élysée and Matignon cleared the Minister of Justice.


What would be serious is if a lawyer could not become a Minister of Justice. That would be an attack on the rule of law." On Friday morning, at the hearing of the Court of Justice of the Republic which is judging Éric Dupond-Moretti for illegal acquisition of interests, former Prime Minister Jean Castex (July 2020-May 2022) lowered the pressure by several notches. After the black session of the previous day and a gruelling hearing in the form of an interrogation of more than six hours of Véronique Malbec - the former chief of staff of the Minister of Justice - the shorter one of the former high magistrate François Molins, who was overwhelmed, and which had even seen the very polite prosecutor general Rémy Heitz come out of his shell, a return to the serenity of the debates seemed welcome. Dressed in a grey suit, with a strong Catalan voice, with a smiling natural authority pleasantly punctuating his sentences of "Dear Madame" and "Dear Sir", Jean Castex has in a way refocused the debates.

First of all, by assuming very personally that I have decided...

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