The Limited Times

Visions for 2030 developed in workshops

11/10/2023, 5:01:50 PM

Highlights: Visions for 2030 developed in workshops. 130 registrations were received for the first Würmtal Entrepreneurs' Forum after the Corona pandemic. The focus was: environmentally conscious living and working in the Würm Valley, family-friendliness, traffic design, mobile working, the development of retail and commerce, leisure activities, employee recruitment, gastronomy, health care and promotion, cooperation between business and municipalities, housing, culture and cooperation between municipalities. "You decide what's important," said Markus Wahl, chairman of the Gräfelfinger Business Association. "All we can do tonight is give an impetus"

Status: 10.11.2023, 17:51 PM

By: Nicole Kalenda


Four associations, one forum (front from left): Ben Wegscheider, Peter Keysers (both Wirtschaftsclub Neuried), Heidelinde Bothe (Gewerbeverband Krailling), Markus Wahl (Unternehmensverband Gräfelfing) and Giuliano Grandis (Wir in Planegg) had invited to the Kupferhaus. © Dagmar Rutt

The 11th Würmtal Entrepreneurs' Forum was different from the events in the pre-Corona years. The participants discussed and outlined their vision of the region in 2030.

Planegg – 130 registrations were received for the first Würmtal Entrepreneurs' Forum after the Corona pandemic. On Thursday evening, the participants sketched out their vision of the Würm Valley in 2030 in the Planegger Kupferhaus: a region in which environmentally conscious living and working is possible, with affordable housing, an energy course and refreshment stops even in the late evening.

In recent years, the forum has always been hosted by a business association, and all four were responsible for the eleventh event of this kind: the Gräfelfing Business Association, the Neuried Business Club, Wir in Planegg and the Krailling Trade Association. Originally, the evening was supposed to take place in the foyer of the Kupferhaus, but due to the great interest, the 13 bar tables with writing materials and a partition wall were set up in the concert hall. Markus Wahl, chairman of the Gräfelfinger Business Association, spoke of an "experiment". For the first time, there was more than just listening and chatting. "You decide what's important," Wahl said. Ideas were developed in 20-minute workshops. The distribution among the 13 thematic areas was arbitrary. In addition to the location and company name, each name tag also contained a number that was assigned to one of the bar tables. The speakers chosen by the group had 60 seconds to present the results.

SUV ban makes people smile

The focus was: environmentally conscious living and working in the Würm Valley, family-friendliness, traffic design, mobile working, the development of retail and commerce, leisure activities, employee recruitment, gastronomy, health care and promotion, cooperation between business and municipalities, housing, culture and cooperation between municipalities. In addition to Planegg's mayor Hermann Nafziger and his Neuried colleague Harald Zipfel, the economic development officers Sabine Strack (Gräfelfing) and Silke Vilgertshofer (Planegg) as well as Hans-Martin Weichbrodt from the district development department in the Munich district office gathered around this last table.

"We have concentrated on regional awards," said Petra Keysers, explaining the results relating to environmentally conscious living and working. In addition to the expansion of e-mobility and car sharing, regional contract awarding and regional energy are desirable, as well as a single Würmtal delivery service "and not 15 different ones".

Gastronomy with active childcare, schools with flexible hours and more holiday care projects were on the list of the family table. The traffic group's proposal to introduce a ban on SUVs in the Würm Valley caused a smile. Marten Jürgens, Managing Director of the Würmtal Regional Plant, called "even more visibility and sustainability" important in the cooperation between business and municipalities. "Companies can only grow and thrive if employees feel comfortable." Affordable housing on site is also likely to be a factor in this. The reduction of bureaucracy was demanded, the multiple use of land and the promotion of ecological building.

Peter Keysers from the Neuried Business Club, who moderated together with Markus Wahl, spoke of "13 times a lot of creativity. All we can do tonight is give an impetus and hope that it will be taken up in all sorts of bodies." To ensure that the town halls do not forget what is important to the entrepreneurs, they are now receiving a picture that the Stockdorf graphic recorder Anna von Klitzing made in the course of the evening. It contains the central ideas of the individual workshops.