The Limited Times

What do you do in times of uncertainty? "I believe in holistic design" - Walla! Home & Design

11/10/2023, 10:13:06 PM

Highlights: Interior designer Keren Niv Toledano is known as a professional who makes sure to combine advanced technologies and systems alongside furniture elements and details. She believes in integrating nature as it is into infrastructure: floors and ceilings, walls and lighting. Her home in Kfar Oranim represents the essence of the desires, aspirations of each of the four of us. The result is an eclectic and rich style that runs like a thread through all the spaces inside and outside the home. "I've been dancing since I was 5 years old. Dance is a whole world based on art, creativity, and movement"

When uncertainty is present in our lives, our home is one of the only pillars that allows us to feel calm and safe. The same is true of homes entrusted to interior designer Keren Niv Toledano

Design by Keren Niv Toledano / Itay Banit

Its design language is uncompromising. In her projects there are no main actors and supporting actors - the entire space is treated as a holistic whole and each layer is examined in detail. She is known as a professional who makes sure to combine advanced technologies and systems alongside furniture elements and details that are planned and tailor-made MADE in relation to the nature of the project and its needs, from cut to size stone cuts to carpentry details, furniture and textiles.

"I've been dancing since I was 5 years old. Dance is a whole world based on art, creativity, and movement and allows me to express and express myself - layers that have always been there but naturally and as the years go by they are updated and receive a different expression."

Design by Keren Niv Toledano / Itay Banit

Interior Designer Keren Niv Toledano / Gabriel Bharalia

"My connection to the world of interior design began to take shape relatively late, when we built our home in Kfar Oranim a decade ago. Thanks to this personal project, I decided to turn my passion into a profession. Before that, I worked in the high-tech industry for a long time. I started my career as a reserve in the development unit of the Intelligence Corps, and even before that I studied for a bachelor's degree in business administration and a master's degree in international relations.

"Today, about a decade since I opened my studio, I believe that interior design has the power to create sensations and outline additional uses in any space. It has the power to fine-tune the functions, change lifestyles and create well-being and atmosphere, and this is the product of a precise balance between the practical and the functional, the beautiful, the designed and the aesthetic."

Design by Keren Niv Toledano / Itay Banit

Design by Keren Niv Toledano / Itay Banit

"Each layer contributes to the overall perception and dosages are the name of the game; It is the use of contrasting materials (including wood, iron, brass, pottery, natural stone, velvet, natural fabrics and leather) that create the whole. I believe in integrating nature as it is into infrastructure: floors and ceilings, walls and lighting. While the shell remains mostly neutral, I pour the colors using the Degarda technique – the dominant and large items constitute a relatively bright background and in the next stage, the art, accessories, cushions and textiles are embedded in more intense shades and fashionable looks, adding interest and character to the space. This creates holistic and reasoned spaces that convey warmth, family and tenderness.

"The interior design allows me to merge and express two sides that exist in me – the technical, realistic planning that is expressed more intensely in the roles I filled in the past, and the artistic-creative-artistic, which has also always existed in me."

Design by Keren Niv Toledano / Itay Banit

"The aesthetics and joy of creation accompany me 24/7: my husband Dudu Niv, whom I met during his military service, over the years has become a mainstay in a group of 6 companies specializing in manufacturing and importing finishing materials for the construction field, including Milstone and Parqueteam. We both live in the field, me as a planner and he as a supplier – there is synergy between us and we brainstorm relevant issues on a daily basis. Thanks to Dudu, I have the privilege to be exposed and give my opinion on materials and items that companies collect around the world and to be a pioneer in their use."

Bayit in Kfar Oranim

"I chose our private home that represents the essence of the desires, aspirations and desires of each of the four of us. It was designed by architects Mirit Stern Fir and Ika Davids and designed in Tuscan style. As someone who is connected to the world of materials, I used many natural elements: Bourgogne flooring, bricks from dismantling, smoked French oak parquet, wood cladding from dismantling boats, mosaic mother of the black pearl, stairs besides dismantling, authentic Fontana, wooden shutters and copper gutters. In addition, I incorporated classic elements such as sofas that I upholstered with velvet fabrics alongside lighting fixtures and industrialized accessories. The result is eclectic and varied, and the rich style runs like a thread through all the spaces."

Design by Keren Niv Toledano / Itay Banit

"We considered an almost direct connection between the outside and the inside: the house is wrapped in Belgian profile windows and doors that allow views from every angle of the interior space directly towards the courtyards and garden. At the same time, we made sure to implement green building elements such as a geo-energy air conditioning system based on spin pumps whose function is to heat and cool the house naturally, for this purpose drilling of 100 meters deep into the ground was carried out."

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  • house