The Limited Times

Embarrassing meeting between Adrien Quatennens and a Palestinian defender of Hamas

11/11/2023, 1:02:02 PM

Highlights: Waleed Aboudipaa has repeatedly glorified the terrorist attack perpetrated in Israel on 7 October. The LFI MP for the North, Adrien Quatennens, met Waleed on 9 November. The politician accused the newspaper Le Point of attempting "a ridiculous polemic" Le Point revealed that the French-speaking newspaper had repeatedly glorifying the massacres perpetrated by Hamas on 7 September. The Palestinian teacher who founded the first French-language school in Gaza was forced to return to the Palestinian territory by an OQTF.

The LFI MP from the North received Waleed Aboudipaa, a Palestinian who has repeatedly glorified the terrorist attack perpetrated in Israel on 7 October.

Chronology in three stages. On 30 October, a Palestinian teacher who founded the first French-language school in Gaza, now a linguistics student at the University of Lille, was forced to return to the Palestinian territory by an OQTF. "We are not all Hamas," the peace activist said in the article.

On 9 November, Adrien Quatennens, LFI MP for the North, received Waleed Aboudipaa at his parliamentary office. "In Gaza," he wrote on X (formerly Twitter), "everyone calls him 'the Frenchman.' He sees himself as an ambassador of France, the Francophonie and what it represents. It's seamlessly integrated.


On 10 November, the newspaper Le Point revealed that the French-speaking newspaper had repeatedly glorified the massacres perpetrated by Hamas on 7 October on Facebook.

The Le Point journalist visited the TabassamInfo Gaza Palestine page created by Waleed Aboudipaa in May 2023 with the aim of compiling information on Gaza. On the morning of the attack, the Palestinian published a text on a black background: "When a people is colonized, occupied, martyred and humiliated on a daily basis, we should not be surprised when this people resists." On October 8, he posted a photo of terrorists in parachutes with the caption: "Gazans broke all the rules with zero technology or equipment," accompanied by delighted smileys.

The image with which Waleed Aboudipaa chose to illustrate one of his Facebook pages on October 9 Facebook screenshot

Other posts include photos of hostages with comments. "The wheel is turning!" comments Aboudipaa next to a portrait of a general kidnapped by the terrorists. Another message, same spirit: "The Palestinians found an Israeli granny with her little golf cart. We do [sic] sightseeing in Gaza, but we never hurt [sic] her old lady and she looks happy [laughing emojis]," he wrote, referring to a video that shows Hamas kidnapping an elderly Israeli lady in a golf cart.

Quatennens' embarrassment

Two days after the attack, which the professor called "a large-scale military operation carried out by the Palestinian resistance against the occupation," he replaced the banal illustration on his Facebook group with an AI-generated image showing a soldier parachuting to Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque. The name of the Hamas operation? Al-Aqsa Flood. On the evening of the publication of the article in Le Point, Aboudipaa changed the image of his page again. Now it's a drawing of a Palestinian surrounded by slogans for peace.

Contacted by Le Point, the person concerned did not deny his messages, limiting himself to assuring: "I do not supportnor have I ever been involved here in France or in Gaza in any political party, whateveritmay be.


Confronted with the publications of the man whose deportation he said he wanted to prevent, MP Adrien Quatennens assured Le Point that he was "not aware" of them. On Twitter, the politician accused the newspaper of attempting "a ridiculous polemic". Contacted by Le Figaro, neither man agreed to answer.

Message published by Waleed Aboudipaa on October 9 Screenshot by Le Point

Our colleagues' article also includes an important clarification: if Waleed Aboudipaa says he is threatened with deportation to Gaza because, according to the prefecture of the North, he has not been able to "justify the reality and seriousness of the studies pursued", he could in fact be deported to Turkey. "Mr. Aboudipaa's wife and three children reside in Turkey, not Palestine," the prefecture said.

By the morning of 11 October, all the publications mentioned by Le Point had disappeared from the Tabassam Info Gaza Palestine group. Only two are still visible on Waleed Aboudipaa's personal page.

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