The Limited Times

Grandma's secret recipe for the perfect endive salad

11/11/2023, 8:32:57 AM

Highlights: Grandma's secret recipe for the perfect endive salad. Simply Tasty's new WhatsApp channel is here. More delicious recipes, creative cooking ideas and tips can be found on our new Whatsapp channel. The weekly Einfach Tasty newsletter provides inspiration with appealing and simple dishes. The 4-3-2-1 mug cake is baked off the tray almost as quickly as it is baked. And with a cup of golden milk, you sleep like a marmot                3, 2, 1 – done!

Status: 11.11.2023, 04:45 a.m.

By: Sandra Keck

The endive salad is a classic winter salad and is known for its tart, bitter note. © Panthermedia/IMAGO

The endive is a chicory plant that many remember as a tart winter salad. Thanks to grandma's secret recipe, it will be perfect and anything but bitter.

It's that time of year again, the cold season is getting closer every day. With it, the classic winter salads, such as lamb's lettuce – perfect with apple, walnut and bacon – or chicory, which also tastes good warm with a mustard-cream sauce, are reappearing in supermarkets. One of these green winter heroes is the endive. A rustic and robust variety of lettuce that offers a welcome change from the usual suspects on the plate with its bitter, crunchy taste.

Simply Tasty's new WhatsApp channel is here!

More delicious recipes, creative cooking ideas and tips can be found on our new Whatsapp channel. Click here to go directly to the canal.

But some people shy away from preparing it. Wasn't there something to consider? And why did grandma's salad always taste so delicious and as soon as you make it yourself, you only have an extremely bitter salad in front of you?
Simply Tasty reveals grandma's secret for the perfect endive salad. Because with the right preparation and a delicious salad dressing, the good old endive salad is experiencing a revival.

Always looking for new and delicious recipe ideas? The weekly Einfach Tasty newsletter provides inspiration with appealing and simple dishes.

For a delicious endive salad, like grandma's, you need these ingredients:

  • 1 small endive salad
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • Bacon dressing:
  • 100 g bacon, diced
  • 4 tbsp vegetable broth
  • 1 onion, finely diced
  • 4 tbsp neutral cooking oil
  • 2 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 0.5 tsp sugar
  • Salt and pepper

The preparation is simple and fast:

  • Remove the dark green parts from the endive salad. Then bundle the salad and cut into fine strips. Place the lettuce strips for five minutes in lukewarm water in which a teaspoon of sugar has been dissolved. Remove from the oven and remove sand and dirt in cold water, then spin dry.
  • For the bacon dressing: Fry the bacon and onion cubes in a pan for a few minutes. Deglaze with vegetable broth and allow to cool.
  • Mix cooking oil, white wine vinegar, mustard and sugar well. Add the fried bacon and onion cubes with the fried stock and season with salt and pepper.
  • Mix the dressing with the endive salad and serve immediately.
  • Serve with crispy potato cordon bleu or juicy meatballs.
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    A salad becomes a delicious dressing really good. © Panthermedia/IMAGO

    This is how the endive salad will be perfect!

    To ensure that nothing stands in the way of a perfect endive salad enjoyment, there are two things to consider. On the one hand, you should cut the salad into as fine strips as possible and on the other hand, soak them in lukewarm sugar water for five minutes. Watering removes the bitter substances from the endive salad.

    What are you waiting for? What could be better for a cozy autumn evening than a touch of nostalgia, thanks to a bowl of endive salad with bacon dressing, like grandma's?

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