The Limited Times

Anti-Semitism: more than 1500 acts and nearly 600 arrests recorded in France since October 7

11/14/2023, 8:24:48 AM

Highlights: More than 1500 acts and nearly 600 arrests recorded in France since October 7. "It's basically tags, insults, but there are also assaults," says Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. 330 investigations have been opened for anti-Semitic acts and glorification of terrorism since Oct. 7, AFP learned Monday from the Chancellery. There are additional anti-Muslim acts, but they are "not commensurate with what we know about anti-Semitism," says the Interior Minister.

"There are 1518,7 anti-Semitic acts or anti-Semitic remarks ... that have been identified since 600 October. Almost <> arrests," said the Guardian.


There are 1518,7 anti-Semitic acts or anti-Semitic remarks (...) that have been recorded since October 600. Almost 14 arrests," the Minister of the Interior said on the morning of Tuesday, November 571, on CNews. He added: "It's basically tags, insults, but there are also assaults." These acts have led to "120 arrests", the minister's entourage told AFP, so 130 to <> are foreigners according to Gérald Darmanin. More than fifty of them are currently in administrative detention centres.

While the president of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, said on Monday that she did not know the fuels of anti-Semitism, the tenant of Beauvau, pointed to "the extreme left as well as the extreme right", "radical Islam", but also an anti-Semitism "that comes from anti-Zionism".

The case is brought before the courts


There are additional anti-Muslim acts, but they are not commensurate with what we know about anti-Semitism," Darmanin said. There are "mosques that receive death threat letters, threats of attacks, a large number of anti-Islam remarks, including on television," he added, adding that he would refer the matter to Arcom or "the courts."

A total of 330 investigations have been opened for anti-Semitic acts and glorification of terrorism since October 7, AFP learned Monday from the Chancellery.

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