The Limited Times

Israel-Gaza War, Live | All but one of Gaza's hospitals are out of service due to the Israeli military offensive

11/14/2023, 10:24:00 AM

Highlights: All but one of Gaza's northern hospitals are out of service due to a lack of electricity and the Israeli military offensive, according to the UN. In Al Shifa, some 650 people are hospitalized, about 250 health workers and 1,500 people are displaced, while more than 30 babies in incubators and patients in need of dialysis are at imminent risk of death. A second contingent of Spaniards, about 80 people, is expected to leave Gaza today, after 40 were evacuated on Monday. Israeli army confirms death of 19-year-old soldier kidnapped by Hamas on October 7.

The director of Gaza's largest medical center says seven premature babies have died because of the lack of electricity. 30 Others' Lives Are Threatened as Incubators Fail to Work | A second group of about 80 Spaniards is expected to leave the Gaza Strip on Tuesday

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All hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip, where the densest part of the Palestinian enclave's health infrastructure is located, have ceased to function, with the sole exception of Al Ahli hospital, where there are 500 patients, which is able to continue receiving wounded people despite the difficulties. "They are out of service due to a lack of electricity, medical supplies, oxygen, food and water, in addition to shelling," the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a report on Tuesday. The situation at Al Shifa hospital, Gaza's main hospital, is the most serious, as it is at the centre of the fighting, with Israeli tanks at its doorstep, and has been damaged by shelling. According to the hospital's director, Mohammad Abu Salmiya, there are seven premature babies who have died due to the lack of electricity at the center. In Al Shifa, some 650 people are hospitalized, about 250 health workers and 1,500 people are displaced, while more than 30 babies in incubators and patients in need of dialysis are at imminent risk of death. In addition, a second contingent of Spaniards, about 80 people, is expected to leave Gaza today, after 40 were evacuated on Monday.

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Israeli army confirms death of 19-year-old soldier kidnapped by Hamas on October 7

The Israeli military on Tuesday confirmed the death of Noa Marciano, a 19-year-old soldier kidnapped by Hamas since October 7 and held in Gaza ever since. The announcement comes a day after the Islamist movement distributed a video of her and said she had been killed by an Israeli shelling.

The army released a statement saying it had already informed the young woman's family. "Corporal Noa Marciano, from the city of Modiin (...), has been declared dead by the army. She had been kidnapped by the Hamas terrorist organization," the statement said.

In the video released by Hamas, released on social media on Monday, Noa Marciano identifies herself on camera and says she has been held in Gaza for four days, indicating that it was recorded on October 11. The video then shows still images of a similar-looking young woman lying with her eyes closed on a blood-stained sheet. A close-up shows a bleeding wound on his head. A caption reports that 19-year-old Marciano was killed "in an airstrike by the Zionist enemy" last Thursday.

The Israeli military statement did not comment on the circumstances of Marciano's death. But he describes the soldier as a "fatality kidnapped at the hands of a terrorist organization." (Reuters)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 11:15

El País

Satellite image of the facilities of Al Shifa hospital, Gaza's largest, on November 7. / MAXAR TECHNOLOGIES / REUTERS

All but one of Gaza's northern hospitals are out of service due to a lack of electricity and the Israeli military offensive, according to the UN

All hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip, where the densest part of the enclave's health infrastructure is located, have ceased to function, with the sole exception of Al Ahli hospital, where there are 500 patients and can continue to receive some more, despite the difficulties. "All hospitals in [northern] Gaza City and northern Gaza are out of service due to a lack of electricity, medical supplies, oxygen, food and water, in addition to shelling and clashing in the surrounding area," the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) states in its daily report on the impact on civilians of the war between Israel and the United States. Islamist group Hamas.

The situation at the Al Shifa hospital is the most serious in recent days because it is the main hospital in Gaza and is at the centre of armed clashes and has been damaged by Israeli bombardments. According to the United Nations, in the past two days, 32 patients and three premature babies have died in al-Shifa as a result of the power outage and extremely precarious conditions. The hospital's director, Mohammad Abu Salmiya, told Agence France Presse this morning that seven premature babies have already died due to the lack of electricity at the centre.

The latest information received from that hospital indicates that as of yesterday there were between 600 and 650 hospitalized patients, between 200 and 250 staff members and 1,500 internally displaced persons, while 36 babies in incubators and dialysis patients were at imminent risk of death.

The Israeli military ordered the evacuation of hospitals in the northern Gaza Strip weeks ago, but the World Health Organization declared that this amounted to a death sentence for the collapse of the medical system as a whole and that hospitals in the south had no capacity at all — and still do not have — capacity to receive evacuated patients.

Israel continues to "call and exert pressure" on residents in the north to move south, something some 200,000 have done in the past week, bringing the number of internally displaced people in Gaza to more than 1.7 million. (Image: EFE)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:53

El País

Enlargement | Israeli army kills at least eight Palestinians in West Bank

At least eight Palestinians were killed by Israeli army in the West Bank on Tuesday, seven of them in a skirmish in the town of Turkman, according to doctors at the scene and local media. The Israeli army and police say their forces were sent to the town near the border with Israel to arrest suspected militants, killing several Palestinian gunmen in the ensuing scuffle.

According to a statement issued by Israeli forces, an airstrike hit a group of Palestinians who had fired and fired a projectile at Israeli soldiers. The Palestinian news agency WAFA says three of the attackers were killed by a drone strike. Neither the Israeli army nor any Palestinian faction has reported casualties on their sides. (Reuters)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:55

El País

Several babies together in a bed at Al Shifa hospital last Sunday after the center lost electricity for incubators. /REUTERS

The director of Gaza's largest hospital says seven premature babies have died due to lack of electricity

The director of Gaza's largest hospital told Agence France Presse on Tuesday that 179 bodies had been buried in a "mass grave" on the grounds of the health centre and that among the dead were seven premature babies who died due to the lack of electricity in the Palestinian territory. "We were forced to bury them in a mass grave," said Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya, director of al-Shifa hospital. "There are corpses strewn in the corridors of the hospital complex and the refrigerated rooms of the morgues no longer have electricity," he added, referring to shortages in the Gaza Strip due to Israel's military siege and the blockade of the enclave by the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu.

"A woman and a man who were in intensive care died on Tuesday," the doctor added. In total, 29 people hospitalized in the critical care unit have died since the electricity was cut in al-Shifa on Saturday.

A journalist working with France Presse inside the compound says the smell of decomposing corpses is unbearable. Fighting and shelling continued throughout the night, according to this reporter, who said it was less intense than in previous nights. Israeli tanks have been at the gates of al-Shifa hospital since Monday, in whose basement, according to Israel, is the Hamas command center. The Palestinian Islamist movement denies this allegation.

The conflict erupted after militants from the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas launched an attack in Israel on Oct. 7 that killed some 1,400 people, according to Israeli authorities. In response, Israel launched an offensive that has killed more than 11,200 people in Gaza, according to Hamas, which has ruled the Palestinian territory de facto since 2007. (France Presse)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:35

Daniel CastresanaPaula Casado

Video | X-ray of violence between Israel and Palestine: more deaths since October 7 than in the 23rd year of the <>st century

Between September 29, 2000, when the Second Intifada broke out, and October 6, 2023, the last day before the Hamas attack, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict had left 10,672 Palestinians killed by Israelis (Palestinians killed in clashes with other Palestinian factions not counted) and 1,330 Israelis killed by Palestinians, according to data from the organization B'Tselem (Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories).

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:30

Paula ChouzaMadrid

Belarra, Corbyn and up to 80 leaders call on the International Criminal Court to arrest Netanyahu and try him and his government for genocide against the Palestinian people

The Secretary General of Podemos and acting Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2030, Ione Belarra; the historic Labour leader and British MP, Jeremy Corbyn; the general secretary of the Workers' Party of Belgium, Peter Mertens, and up to 80 representatives of twenty European and Latin American countries have written to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Ahmad Khan, on Tuesday, requesting the arrest of the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and that he be tried. together with members of his Government and several collaborators, for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Palestinian people.

The request, made under the Rome Statute, asks the Court to extend the investigation it initiated in 2021 against Israel for war crimes to the events that have occurred since October 7, including attacks on refugee camps, the use of white phosphorus and the bombing of the Al-Ahli hospital. In addition, the letter provides documentation to respond to the request for support made by Khan on 29 October, when he visited the Rafah border crossing (Egypt) and asked for "cooperation" and "assistance" from the international community to ensure that international law is respected in the area.

Belarra, who was the first European minister to denounce Israel's crimes after the outbreak of the conflict, argues that it is necessary to "take action" against this "live genocide" to "promote a ceasefire and put an end to this barbarism". "Barbarism, if you don't stop it in time, drags you down with it," he stressed. "We are not going to allow a genocide with our silence and our complicity," he stressed in a statement released on Tuesday, where he encouraged all citizens to support with their signature, on page, a judicial initiative aimed at ending impunity in Israel.

For the signatories, Netanyahu and his political leadership have committed acts that are indicative of genocide, such as those aimed at the total or partial destruction of "a national, ethnic, racial or religious group; crimes against humanity, as a systematic and widespread attack against the civilian population of Gaza that results in "persecution of a group or collectivity based on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural or religious motives (...)"; and war crimes, such as "intentional killing", "directing attacks against civilian objects" or the transfer by an occupying power of part of the civilian population. All of them are included in the Rome Statute.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:19

War between Israel and Gaza

Bedouins, the weakest link in the war in Israel

Luis de Vega

It was dawn on Saturday, October 7, when a loud explosion sounded in Al Bat, a Bedouin village in Israel's Negev desert not recognized by the authorities. Akel Kran, 46, said he went with other neighbours to check if the sheep had been damaged. Everything is in order. As it was not the first time that rockets had arrived from Gaza, some 50 kilometers away, they went about their business. Normality. None of those present knew that, at the time, Hamas, in addition to firing missiles as it often does, was also carrying out the major ground attack that left some 1,200 dead and triggered the current war.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 09:30

The Israeli army announces the death of 46 soldiers since the start of the war in Gaza

The Israeli army announced on Monday the death of two more soldiers in fighting in the Gaza Strip, bringing to 46 the total number of its soldiers killed in Palestinian territory since the start of the Jerusalem war. On October 7, Hamas carried out a bloody attack in Israel that killed some 1,400 people, most of them civilians, according to Israeli authorities. Since then, Israel has relentlessly pounded Gaza from the air, sea and land, killing more than 11,000 people, according to Hamas. On October 27, Israeli tanks rolled into Gaza with the aim of "wiping out" the Islamist movement. (Agence France Presse)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 09:11

Luis de Vega

Casa en Beeri de la activista por la paz Vivian Silver tras el ataque del pasado 7 de octubre. / LUIS DE VEGA

Israel identifica a la activista Vivian Silver entre las víctimas del ataque de Hamás

Las autoridades israelíes han informado de que el cuerpo de la reconocida activista por la paz Vivian Silver ha sido identificado entre los cadáveres de la matanza de Hamás del 7 de octubre. Silver, originaria de Canadá y durante décadas impulsora de la convivencia entre israelíes y palestinos, era vecina del kibutz (colectividad agrícola) Beeri, una de las comunidades atacadas y donde fueron asesinadas un centenar de personas, el 10% de la población. Su casa, la 507, es de las que quedó totalmente calcinada, pero durante todas estas semanas no se cerró la puerta a que pudiera formar parte de los aproximadamente 240 rehenes que Israel cree que los islamistas se llevaron a Gaza aquel día.

Cuando en la macabra búsqueda de víctimas en Beeri, donde residía desde 1990, llegó el turno de la vivienda de la activista, esta se hallaba escondida en un armario. Entre los disparos y los gritos en árabe cada vez más próximos, Silver todavía tuvo tiempo de mandar unos últimos mensajes a uno de sus dos hijos, Yonatan Zeigen. Eran las 10.54 de aquel infausto sábado. “Los hombres armados están en casa”, escribió.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 08:57

El País

El ejército israelí afirma haber atacado más de 200 objetivos en las últimas horas

El ejército israelí asegura que en las últimas horas ha atacado unos 200 objetivos de Hamás en Gaza y asegura que han descubierto entradas a túneles usados por los milicianos en una mezquita. 

“Durante las operaciones terrestres, las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel descubrieron la entrada de un túnel ubicada en una mezquita en la franja de Gaza”, afirma el ejército israelí en su canal de Telegram. “Siguiendo las instrucciones de las tropas de tierra, cazas militares y helicópteros destruyeron una célula terroristas que había disparado misiles antitanques contra los soldados”, continúa el parte.

Entre los más de 200 objetivos atacados, sigue el informe, se encontraban “terroristas, puntos de producción de armas, lanzadores de misiles antitanque y centros de mando operacional”. También, barcos militares israelíes dispararon contra “un campo militar usado por las fuerzas navales de Hamás para entrenamiento y almacenamiento de armas”.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 08:56

El País

El ejército de Israel asegura que enviará incubadoras a Gaza tras la muerte de bebés prematuros en el principal hospital de la Franja

El ejército israelí declaró el martes que estaba coordinando el traslado de incubadoras a la franja de Gaza, en una posible medida para permitir la evacuación de recién nacidos del mayor hospital del enclave palestino, informa Reuters. La declaración, publicada en las redes sociales con una imagen de un soldado descargando incubadoras de una furgoneta, se produjo tras las llamadas de socorro del hospital Al Shifa en relación con sus pacientes de neonatología a medida que las fuerzas terrestres israelíes se acercaban y se agotaba el combustible de los generadores.

El anuncio del ejército israelí se produce después de que el doctor Mohamed Abu Selmia, director del hospital Al-Shifa, el principal de la Franja, declarase a la cadena BBC que en los últimos días han muerto tres bebés prematuros y siete personas debido a la falta de oxígeno.

El hospital está a punto de quedarse sin combustible y otros recursos para seguir funcionando, y se ha sacado a bebés prematuros de incubadoras que ya no funcionan. En el centro hay más de 600 pacientes heridos, según Abu Selmia. La BBC preguntó al médico si el ejército israelí se había puesto en contacto con él en relación con la evacuación de pacientes o bebés prematuros. Israel ha dicho que ha enviado combustible cerca del hospital y otros recursos. Pero el médico dijo: "No, no nos han tendido la mano, en cambio nosotros sí... pero hasta ahora no hemos recibido respuesta". "Hay negociaciones sobre la evacuación de bebés prematuros, pero hasta ahora no ha pasado nada".

Abu Selmia añadió que el hospital también se había puesto en contacto con la Cruz Roja para intentar coordinar el entierro de los cadáveres, de los que había unos 150 en el hospital, pero que le habían dicho que por el momento no era factible. Añadió que los perros se estaban comiendo los cadáveres.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 11:09

El País

Al menos seis palestinos muertos a manos del ejército israelí en Cisjordania

Al menos seis palestinos han muerto este martes en Tulkarem (Cisjordania) en operaciones del ejército israelí, según ha informado el Ministerio de Salud de la Autoridad Palestina. 

Tres de ellos han muerto en un ataque israelí con un dron, según la agencia palestina WAFA, que cita una fuente médica. Otros dos han muerto en enfrentamientos anteriores con las tropas israelíes en el campo de refugiados de la localidad.

La situación en Cisjordania, ya muy tensa antes de los ataques de Hamás en suelo israelí del 7 de octubre, se ha deteriorado mucho a partir de esa fecha, con constantes operaciones militares israelíes en busca de milicianos que degeneran en enfrentamientos con los palestinos, a lo que se añade la violencia de los colonos israelíes instalados en Cisjordania, que han matado a varios palestinos. 

Desde el 7 de octubre, más de 100 palestinos han muerto en Cisjordania en enfrentamientos con el ejército israelí. (Reuters)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:20

El País

Se espera que un segundo grupo de unos 80 españoles pueda salir este martes de Gaza

Un segundo grupo de españoles prevé salir este martes de la franja de Gaza, después de más de un mes atrapados en el enclave palestino por la guerra desatada entre Israel y la milicia de Hamás. Después de que el lunes saliese un primer grupo de 40 personas, entre ellas 22 niños, se espera que este martes sean evacuados a Egipto otros 80 titulares de pasaporte español, entre españoles y palestinos con doble nacionalidad.

“Tenemos ya autorización por parte de Israel para que mañana [por este martes] haya un segundo contingente de unos 80 más” que pueda abandonar Gaza, declaró el lunes el ministro español de Exteriores, José Manuel Albares, aclarando que es necesaria también la autorización de Egipto para que puedan atravesar el paso de Rafah, que une la Franja con el territorio egipcio. “Espero que no haya ninguna dificultad en eso”, confió.

Aunque no quiso dar cifras concretas sobre el número total de españoles y familiares que se pretende ayudar a evacuar de Gaza, el ministro sí reconoció que “probablemente haya que hacer alguna operación más” al margen de las de este lunes y martes.

El lunes, pudo evacuar la Franja un grupo de 33 hispanopalestinos y siete familiares. Albares aclaró que se priorizó a este primer grupo por la presencia familias con niños muy pequeños y personas mayores en situación vulnerable por enfermedad. Los evacuados se dirigieron a El Cairo, desde donde viajarán a España. “Hoy es un día muy feliz porque han salido 40, pero será feliz completamente cuando hayan salido todos”, dijo Albares. La semana pasada, la ministra de Defensa, Margarita Robles, indicó que en Gaza había entre 170 y 190 españoles, incluidos 80 menores, a la espera de poder salir de la Franja.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 07:24

El País

Guerra entre Israel y Gaza

Israel estrecha el cerco sobre los hospitales de Gaza mientras crece la tensión con Hezbolá

Antonio Pita

El cerco israelí sobre el hospital de Al Shifa, el más grande de Gaza, se estrecha, con los tanques rodeando el centro médico, principal objetivo de Israel en el norte de la Franja. Según las autoridades sanitarias del Gobierno de Hamás, más de 30 pacientes, tres de ellos bebés prematuros, han muerto por el bloqueo en los tres últimos días. La situación es tan grave que, EE UU, principal aliado de Israel, ha pedido al Gobierno de ese país que proteja ese establecimiento sanitario. El presidente Joe Biden ha asegurado que está en contacto con el Ejecutivo de Benjamín Netanyahu para que haya “menos acciones intrusivas en los hospitales”.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 07:10

El País

La secretaria del Tesoro de EE UU, Janet Yellen, asegura que los líderes de la APEC han acordado evitar que el conflicto se expanda

Este lunes, la secretaria del Tesoro de EE UU ha informado que los ministros de Finanzas de los países del Foro de Cooperación Económica Asia-Pacífico (APEC) manifestaron su voluntad para evitar que la guerra entre Hamás e Irael no se convierta en un conflicto regional.

En una conferencia de prensa, y previo al encuentro que tiene lugar en San Francisco, Yellen dijo que si bien el sufrimiento humano era una prioridad, también era urgente que el conflicto no se expandiera y “que si lo hiciera, podría plantear riesgos para el panorama global que nos preocuparían a todos”.

Activistas climáticos y anticapitalistas se han manifestado en las calles de la ciudad estadounidense para protestar en contra reunión de los líderes, que estará marcada por el encuentro entre el presidente Joe Biden y su homólogo chino, Xi Jinping.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 06:00

El País

Antony Blinken tries to contain criticism of the Gaza war within his own State Department

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday addressed growing criticism within the ranks of the State Department over the Biden administration's policy in the Israel-Hamas war, as hundreds of U.S. government employees have openly and privately advocated for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Cables criticizing the Biden administration's policy — with full support for Israel — have been submitted to the department's internal dissent channel, created during the Vietnam War, which allows workers to raise concerns about the policy anonymously with the Secretary of State, according to sources familiar with the matter. quoted by the Reuters news agency.

Criticism has focused on President Biden's unwavering support for Israel in the wake of the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas, which killed some 1,200 people, mostly civilians, the deadliest attack in the country's history. In response, Israel has launched a relentless military campaign in Gaza, killing more than 11,000 Palestinians.

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 06:21

El País

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva receives a family of Brazilians at the Brasilia Military Air Base after being evacuated from the Gaza Strip. / UESLEI MARCELINO / REUTERS

32 Brazilians who were trapped in Gaza arrive in Brazil

A group of 32 people, including Brazilians and relatives, arrived in Brazil on Monday after Egyptian authorities allowed them to leave the besieged Gaza Strip on Sunday and managed to board a boat from Cairo.

The Brazilian Air Force plane carrying the group made a technical stopover in Recife (northeast), already in Brazilian territory, at 20:30 p.m. (23:30 GMT on Tuesday) and then continued the flight to Brasilia, the Brazilian capital.

According to the state-run news service Agencia Brasil, the group, which includes 17 children, is expected to be received by President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva at the Brasilia Military Air Base. In addition to the minors, the group includes nine women and six men and by nationality 22 are Brazilians, seven naturalized Palestinians and three family members of Palestinian nationality. In Brasilia, the group will stay for at least two days at the Air Base's military transit hotel and people will receive psychological support, medical care and vaccination. Afterwards, several of the members of the group will go to other cities in Brazil, where they will stay with relatives, and others will be transferred to a shelter specialized in the reception of refugees in the interior of the state of São Paulo.

The Brazilian government had been trying to evacuate its citizens from the Palestinian territory for more than three weeks, and both the president and Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira had spoken by phone several times with the leaders of Egypt and Israel. Since the beginning of the conflict caused by the attack by the armed wing of the Hamas group on Israeli territory on October 7, Brazil had already repatriated 1,462 Brazilians, eleven Palestinians, three Bolivians and one Jordanian, in addition to 53 pets, on nine flights.

Lula has condemned Hamas' terrorist attacks against Israel, but has also lamented the thousands of civilian deaths caused by Israeli bombardments and called for a ceasefire to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza. (Image: EFE)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 10:10

El País

U.N. Says Fuel Shortages Affect Delivery of Aid in Gaza

The fuel crisis in Gaza is so dramatic that truckloads of aid arriving through the Rafah crossing from Egypt will not be unloaded from Tuesday because there is no fuel for forklifts or vehicles delivering the food, water and medicine that are being taken to those in desperate need. says a senior UN humanitarian official.

Andrea De Domenico, the U.N. humanitarian coordinator for the Palestinian territories, said that "lives in Gaza are hanging in the balance due to the hemorrhaging of fuel and medical supplies." And he said that since Israeli troops arrived in the center of Gaza City five days ago, it has been too dangerous for the U.N. to coordinate any operation in the north.

De Domenico told a news conference with U.N. correspondents from East Jerusalem that heavy fighting over the weekend around Shifa hospital, Gaza City's largest, damaged critical infrastructure, including water tanks, oxygen stations and the cardiovascular center in the maternity ward. Three nurses were reported dead, he said. (AP)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 06:35

El País

Palestinian-American lawmaker Rashida Tlaib calls for "immediate" ceasefire in Gaza

Palestinian-born U.S. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib on Monday called for Israel's "immediate" ceasefire in the Gaza Strip to save lives and said that "most Americans want a ceasefire."

"Polls show that a majority of Americans, more than 65 percent of Americans, including 80 percent of them Democrats, want a ceasefire," she said at a news conference in Washington.

Tlaib, the first Palestinian lawmaker to be elected to Congress, was censured by the lower house for her comments on Israel's war in the Gaza Strip. The U.S. House of Representatives voted on Nov. 7 to censure the legislator, in a measure that obtained 188 votes against and 234 in favor, including the support of 22 congressmen from the Democratic Party, to which Tlaib belongs.

"We are calling for an end to violence, not an end to violence. The humanitarian pause is not enough. President Biden, I hope you're listening," said Tlaib, a Democratic congresswoman from Detroit.

Last October, a group of U.S. Democratic congressmen introduced a resolution calling on Joe Biden's administration to call for a ceasefire and facilitate de-escalation in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The text is promoted by legislators Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, André Carson, Summer Lee and Delia Ramirez, from the left wing of the Democratic Party.

In the presence of other lawmakers and a group of rabbis wearing a white T-shirt with the slogan "Rabbis for a ceasefire," Tlaib said Monday that "the path to peace must include addressing the root causes of our conflict and ending the blockade and occupation."

"There is nothing humanitarian about giving innocent civilians a four-hour break before being bombed. We are calling for an end to violence, not an end to violence. The humanitarian pause is not enough. We will not be intimidated, we will not be silenced," he said.

"I know that the extremist government of (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu is now saying that Israeli forces would assume responsibility for Gaza's security for an indefinite period of time. That's not a question of security," he said. The lawmaker added that "perpetuating an illegal occupation will not lead to a just and lasting peace." The forced displacement, the displacement of Palestinians, began, as everyone knows, 75 years ago. The occupation has been ongoing for more than 56 years," he added.

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also called for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza area and thanked the Jewish Voice for Peace organization for its support, which, she said, "has a legitimate role in this dialogue." Thank you to our rabbis who have joined us. Thank you to Rep. Rashida, who has presented herself as the only Palestinian-American woman in U.S. history, and has been censured for standing up for her humanity. We will not let that discourage us," Ocasio-Cortez said. (Image: EFE)

ACT.14 NOV 2023 - 01:55

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