The Limited Times

Acoustic unicorn: Noa Kirel releases a new version of the song that conquered Europe - voila! culture

11/19/2023, 9:17:09 AM

Highlights: Acoustic unicorn: Noa Kirel releases a new version of the song that conquered Europe - voila! culture. It was also learned that it appears that the acoustic version will be incorporated into the Ministry of Culture's campaign. The new version, which she calls "Unicorn - The Version of Hope", was created with the string ensemble Chill Elephant. Those close to Kyrell say the song was donated voluntarily to support a morale-boosting campaign. About NIS 13 million was raised for residents of the south and for the rehabilitation of communities damaged in Hamas terrorist attack.

As first published in Walla! Culture, Kyrell releases an acoustic version of the hit song with which she represented Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest where she qualified for third place. Listen

Noa Kirel in an acoustic version of the song "Unicorn", released during the Gaza War / PR

As first published in Walla! Culture Last week, Noa Kirel released an acoustic version of her hit song "Unicorn", with which she represented Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest in the UK this year where she won third place. The new version, which she calls "Unicorn - The Version of Hope", was created with the string ensemble Chill Elephant and is based on the recording of the song in a Kan 11 fundraising broadcast in cooperation with the "One Heart" project, which took place at the Hall of Culture in Tel Aviv. About NIS 13 million was raised for residents of the south and for the rehabilitation of communities damaged in the murderous Hamas terrorist attack.

Lavala! Culture It was also learned that it appears that the acoustic version will be incorporated into the Ministry of Culture's campaign. Those close to Kyrell say the song was donated voluntarily to support a morale-boosting campaign. The Culture Ministry said in response: "We did receive such an offer from the government advertising bureau, as part of other proposals we received. This is not a morale campaign but an informative campaign on the outline of assistance to the cultural and sports bodies and the Foundation for Artists in Distress. We are currently reviewing all the proposals that have been submitted."

Over the weekend we advertised in Walla! Culture An extensive article about the stagnation in which Israeli pop has been found since the outbreak of the Gaza war. According to industry estimates, since the outbreak of the war, Noa Kirel has suffered estimated revenue losses of more than three million shekels, among other things from the cancellation or postponement of many shows, the Festigal (which may take place on Passover depending on the situation), the postponement of the music reality show "Star Academy" on Reshet 7 hosted by her, and apparently also a commercial campaign. Filming of a music video for Kyrell's new international song, at a high cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars, has also been canceled.

Anna Zak, according to industry estimates, has suffered estimated revenue losses of at least NIS 1.8 million since October 65. About ten of Zak's performances that were supposed to take place from the outbreak of the war until the Festigal were canceled - for each of them she was supposed to receive NIS 75-600, for the Festigal she was supposed to receive about NIS 500,<>. Zak's participation in an advertisement for a credit card company was also frozen, for which she was supposed to receive NIS <>,<> for a period of about six months.

  • More on the subject:
  • Noa Kirel
  • Unicorn