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"We encountered an enemy hiding behind women and children": IDF forces fight in the Zeitoun neighborhood, killing dozens of terrorists | Israel Hayom

11/20/2023, 6:19:09 PM

Highlights: "We encountered an enemy hiding behind women and children": IDF forces fight in the Zeitoun neighborhood, killing dozens of terrorists. Fighters of the 36th Division took over a number of key targets of the Gaza Brigade and destroyed the office of the commander. The forces found large quantities of weapons and intelligence material on IDF weapons. The terrorists barricade themselves in hospitals, schools, kindergartens and other civilian infrastructure, from where they attack. The battles are being conducted hand-to-hand, and so far many terrorists have been eliminated.

Fighters of the 36th Division took over a number of key targets of the battalion and destroyed the office of the commander of the Gaza Brigade • The forces found large quantities of weapons and intelligence material on IDF weapons • Brigadier General Dado Bar Kalifa: "The forces operated within a built-up area and exposed terrorists hiding in civilian space"

IDF forces from the 36th Division fought in the Zeitoun Battalion, one of Hamas' main battalions operating in the Zeitoun neighborhood of Gaza City. They attacked many buildings and fought against many terrorists.

Givati fighters expose rocket shafts | IDF Spokesperson

The fighting took place in the heart of the residential neighborhoods. The terrorists barricade themselves in hospitals, schools, kindergartens and other civilian infrastructure, from where they attack. The battles are being conducted hand-to-hand, and so far many terrorists have been eliminated. Among other things, fighters from the 188th Armored Brigade took over several main targets of the Zeitoun Battalion – a rocket manufacturing laboratory, the battalion's central headquarters and the office of the commander of the Gaza Brigade, which was destroyed by the air forces.

IDF forces in the Zeitoun neighborhood,

IDF Spokesperson,

Tunnel shaft in the Zeitun neighborhood, photo: IDF Spokesperson

The forces found a large quantity of weapons. These include explosives, heavy and long-range rockets, a tunnel shaft and unmanned aerial vehicles inside a mosque. In addition to these, intelligence material was also found that was used by the organization to learn about IDF weapons.

Destruction of terrorist infrastructure by 36th Division forces | IDF Spokesperson

According to the commander of the 36th Division, Brigadier General Dado Bar Kalifa: "During the last days of fighting of the 36th Division in the Zeitoun neighborhood, we constantly encountered an enemy hiding behind children and women and behind sensitive civilian infrastructure. The division's forces, including Golani's combat team, the combat team of the 188th Armored Brigade and the combat team of the infantry school brigade, operated within a complex war zone within the built-up area, exposed the terrorists hiding in civilian space and eliminated many terrorists. These achievements were made possible thanks to the close cooperation between the infantry, engineering and armored forces and the air force forces. We will not stop until we achieve all our goals, and we will continue to work to protect our home."

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