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The terrorist who stabbed Moriah Cohen in front of her five children is expected to be released as part of the abductees deal | Israel Hayom

11/22/2023, 1:18:52 PM

Highlights: The terrorist who stabbed Moriah Cohen in front of her five children is expected to be released as part of the abductees deal. An appeal was sent Wednesday morning to the commander of the Home Front Command and the Jerusalem District Focus of the Israel Police demanding supervision of the release of the 14-year-old terrorist. Attorney Ofir Steiner of Honenu: "The state must act immediately to ensure the personal safety of the family" "Despite everything, it's nice to raise children here"

As part of the deal between Israel and Hamas, a 16-year-old terrorist who stabbed a mother in front of her children is expected to be released Following the expected release, Honenu appealed to the Home Front Command and the Jerusalem Police to ensure that she would not return to her home, which is located near the family's home. Steiner: "The state must act immediately to ensure the personal safety of the family"

An urgent appeal was sent Wednesday morning to the commander of the Home Front Command and the Jerusalem District Focus of the Israel Police demanding supervision of the release of the 14-year-old terrorist who stabbed Moriah Cohen in the Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood a year and a half ago. The appeal follows the publication of the list of prisoners expected to be released as part of the deal to release the hostages, which also includes the name of the terrorist. In a letter sent by Cohen's lawyer, Attorney Ofir Steiner of Honenu, he demands that the terrorist not be released until steps are taken to ensure the safety of the family, who lives close to the terrorist's family.

The first petition against the deal for the release of the abductees was filed \\ Yoni Rikner

In his letter, Steiner writes that from the moment she learned of her impending release, her mother held the family. "The terrorist - who never expressed regret for her actions, who did not shy away from committing the acts even at the sight of my client's young children walking hand in hand with her on the way to the educational institutions, who waited coldly until my client was in the best location to stab and murder her - will return to the same street, walking freely on the sidewalk within touching distance of my client and her children."

Make sure you don't get released

In light of this, Adv. Steiner wishes to use the authority given to the Home Front Command and the Israel Police to remove the terrorist from Cohen's place of residence, not only from the neighborhood, but also from the city. Steiner also wrote: "It is appropriate for such a vile and cold-tempered terrorist to be closely monitored by the various security agencies, so as not to try to complete the mission."

In another letter, which he issued this morning to the prime minister and the ministers of defense and national security, Steiner demanded to ensure that the terrorist would not be released until Cohen's safety was ensured.

"Despite everything, it's nice to raise children here." Moriah and Dvir Cohen outside their home in the neighborhood, Photo: Gideon Markowitz

Last week, the Jerusalem District Court handed down a 12-year prison sentence for the terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack against Cohen. The attack occurred about a year and a half ago when the terrorist stabbed Cohen in front of her five children as they were making their way through Jerusalem's Shimon Hatzadik neighborhood. After the attack, the terrorist fled and tried to conceal her identity, while Cohen was taken to hospital with a knife lodged in her back.

In their ruling, the justices noted that the terrorist did not see fit to ask for forgiveness or express remorse for her actions. "In our case, the defendant understood very well the significance of the act. This is evident both from the probation service report and from the circumstances of the incident, which require prior planning, equipping yourself with a knife and using force. All these lead to the conclusion of the need for significant deterrent punishment," the justices ruled.

Attorney Ofir Steiner, who represents Cohen on behalf of Honenu, said in response: "Since the list of prisoners for release was published, many families of terror victims have been terrorized. Terrorists who tried to end the lives of their loved ones, or who helped those who succeeded, return to live nearby. Of particular severity in this case is that of a mother who was stabbed in the back in front of her five children, and now has to deal with the knowledge that the terrorist will return to live in the building next door. How can the victim, whose husband is in reserve duty, take care of her children and maintain her daily routine, when outside of her window the one whose goal is to murder her? The state must act immediately to ensure its personal safety."

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