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13 abductees released, 13 more expected to be released this evening | Shabbat News Summary | Israel Hayom

11/25/2023, 3:28:03 PM

Highlights: 13 abductees released, 13 more expected to be released this evening. BBC explicitly forbade its Jewish employees from participating in a protest march against anti-Semitism. Shabbat Shalem was alert before the return of the 13 abductees held captive by Hamas. The prime ministers of Spain and Belgium arrived at the Rafah border crossing, called for the temporary ceasefire to be permanent. Biden made a statement and reiterated the desire to implement the two-state plan. The IDF and Shin Bet operate in Judea and Samaria, and the house of the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack in Tel Aviv was demolished.

An entire country was moved by the return of the 13 abductees from Hamas captivity The prime ministers of Spain and Belgium arrived at the Rafah border crossing, called for the temporary ceasefire to be permanent, provoking great anger Biden made a statement and reiterated the desire to implement the two-state plan The IDF and Shin Bet operate in Judea and Samaria, and the BBC explicitly forbade its Jewish employees from participating in a protest march against anti-Semitism

Shabbat Shalem was alert before the return of the 13 abductees held captive by Hamas and was moved when they returned to Israel's borders and to their families' arms. At the same time, great anger erupted after the Spanish prime minister's speech at the Rafah crossing, the IDF and Shin Bet acted against Hamas in the West Bank, and Biden spoke and reiterated that the two-state plan must be advanced.

Doron Asher and her daughters Aviv and Raz - reunite with father Yoni at the hospital // Spokesperson for Schneider Center

Saturday News Summary

Thirteen abductees were released from Hamas captivity in the first phase.Before their return, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services prepared and issued a document containing guiding principles for the children's admission stage in the first 13 hours of their return from captivity. The document was distributed to all those who were expected to meet, care for and accompany them, in order to preserve their souls and facilitate the appellant's return to a reality different from what they knew.

Emilia and Daniel Aloni at Schneider Hospital, photo: Schneider Hospital Spokesperson's Office

After a nerve-racking wait, a deal was made with the Hamas terrorist organization, the first phase of releases was completed, and 13 abductees returned to Israel after 50 days in captivity in Gaza. Daniel and Amelia returned to Grandpa Remus and Grandma Ricky. The well-known consumer manager at Kibbutz Nirim was set free, and 9-year-old Ohad, who had been painfully celebrating his birthday from afar, also returned. This is their story.

As part of the abduction deal, 39 Palestinian terrorists and those with blue ID cards were released from Israeli prisons in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem. On the Palestinian side, it was reported that some of the families of security prisoners expected to be released received instructions from Israeli security officials that receptions and scenes of joy and celebrations after release should be prevented. In addition, among the abductees released from Hamas captivity were 11 Thais and one Filipino. The terror group has pledged in the past to release the abducted Thais as soon as there is a lull in the fighting. According to a report, more Thai abductees will be released in the coming days.

Those released from Hamas captivity, yesterday, photo: None

Biden: "We freed grandmothers and children — we won't leave anyone behind."Shortly after the first phase of the release of the first hostages from Hamas captivity into Israeli territory, US President Joe Biden issued a statement praising the move and thanking regional leaders. He also called for the implementation of a two-state plan.

Biden after release of hostages: 'This is just the beginning' // Reuters

The American president took the opportunity to try to restart the 2-state plan for 2 peoples, saying: "Today more than ever, we understand that we must continue to advance the plan. I am in direct contact with the Emirs of Qatar and the government of Israel to make sure that everything continues according to this political plan. Every Jewish and Muslim child cannot live under such violence."

The Spanish prime minister spoke at the Rafah crossing, against the background of the release of the hostages, and Jerusalem was outraged by his remarks.The prime ministers of Spain and Belgium arrived at the Rafah border crossing and spoke to mark the prisoner deal. Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez referred to the events in the Gaza Strip, calling it "the greatest tragedy of the Madorn era." Both prime ministers called for the temporary ceasefire to be made permanent.

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez alongside Belgian Prime Minister and Egyptian Minister of International Cooperation Rania Masht, photo: AFP

Following their remarks, Foreign Minister Eli Cohen instructed the ambassadors of the countries to be summoned for a harsh reprimand. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu strongly condemned.

Demolition of a terrorist's house, seizure of weapons and arrests: IDF and ISA forces acted against Hamas in the West Bank.In the village of Ramona in the Menashe Brigade, on the night between Thursday and Friday, the forces demolished the house of the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack in Tel Aviv, in which the late patrolman Chen Amir was murdered. In a joint IDF-ISA operation, an armed terrorist who recruited a military squad and carried out a number of shooting attacks was eliminated. In addition, the fighters located a lathe for manufacturing weapons and weapon parts.

Demolition of the house of the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack in Tel Aviv in which the patrolman Chen Amir was murdered // IDF Spokesperson

And again anti-Semitism on the BBC: workers were instructed not to participate in the march against Jew-hatred.According to a report in the Daily Mail, the chain has explicitly banned its Jewish employees from participating in a protest march against anti-Semitism planned to take place in the capital London on Sunday. The employees noted that the company's employees, including senior news executives, actively participated or expressed support for pro-Palestinian demonstrations and rallies held in London, including the wave of demonstrations around British Memorial Day.

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