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Because of the war: IDF works to advance recruitment of NCOs whose service has been postponed | Israel Hayom

11/27/2023, 3:57:17 AM

Highlights: The IDF wants to bring forward the recruitment of young people whose recruitment was postponed due to the need to increase the army. Requests to advance enlistment will be forwarded to all those who postponed their enlistment in favor of a pre-military preparatory program, a year of service or yeshiva studies. At the same time, the army is preparing to request an extension of compulsory service for men, which has been shortened in recent years and was supposed to be shortened again in 2024.

In order to preserve his competence and make it easier for the fighters in Gaza, the IDF asks young people in a pre-military preparatory program, a year of service or studying in a yeshiva to report • At the same time, it is argued: There is no choice but to increase the budget and extend the service, instead of shortening it as planned • IDF: "Emphasis is placed on trainees who left a unique track or asked to advance recruitment"

The IDF wants to bring forward the recruitment of young people whose recruitment was postponed due to the need to increase the army, due to an iron sword war, Israel Hayom has learned. Requests to advance enlistment will be forwarded to all those who postponed their enlistment in favor of a pre-military preparatory program, a year of service or yeshiva studies. At the same time, the army is preparing to request an extension of compulsory service for men, which has been shortened in recent years and was supposed to be shortened again in 2024.

IDF service for men will be shortened (archive)

Initially, an appeal will be made to the relevant bodies in order to understand which of the candidates for security service left the unique tracks, or those who wished to advance the completion of the track and advance the recruitment to the IDF. In the first stage, they will focus on those who began the track in the first place under the conditions of a vacant quota. Following the approval of the Shaked Committee's recommendations, the IDF was forced to shorten the length of service for men by four months for recruits starting June 1, 2015, to 32 months. Subsequently, according to Amendment 22 to the Security Service Law for Recruits, starting in July 2020, the service was shortened by an additional two months to 30 months. In July 2021, it was decided to restore the length of service to 32 months and postpone the differential shortening to 2024.

The plan was for all NCOs to receive a draft order for 32 months of service, but in practice, rear soldiers were supposed to be discharged after 24 months, soldiers in technical and technological professions were supposed to be discharged after 28 to 32 months, and combatants after 32 to 36 months. According to estimates, in about a decade, the average service time of compulsory soldiers in the IDF would be 28.5 months.

The plan was for all NCOs to receive a draft order for 32 months of service. Pictured: NCOs at the recruitment office (archive), photo: IDF Spokesperson

The IDF tried for a long time to oppose shortening compulsory service, but the pressure exerted on the army by the Ministry of Finance was very great, and the decision to shorten the service was part of the compromises reached on the defense budget. Now, as noted, reality has slapped decision makers in the face, and it is reasonable to assume that the Ministry of Finance will also understand that there is no choice but to increase the defense budget and extend compulsory service.

The Permanent Servants Crisis

The decision to try to advance steps to increase the IDF's order of battle stems from the understanding that the IDF will need a very large order of battle in the foreseeable future, both in the Gaza Strip and on the northern border – and it is not inconceivable that in the Judea and Samaria sector as well. As long as the threat posed by the Radwan forces along the confrontation line is not removed, the IDF will be required to maintain large forces along the border in order to prevent the infiltration of terrorists and restore something of the sense of security of the residents of the northern border. Even after the ground maneuver in the Gaza Strip ends, the IDF intends to maintain freedom of action in the Gaza Strip, a fact that will also require large forces.

Since October 7, hundreds of thousands of reservists have also been mobilized, and as of now, due to operational necessity, there are no plans to significantly dilute their number. Thinking ahead, in addition to bringing forward recruitment to NCOs (designated for security service) and extending combat service, consideration will also have to be given to the reserves, the age of exemption from reserve duty, and especially the company's attitude toward reservists.

Currently, due to operational necessity, there is no intention to significantly dilute their number. Reservists in northern Israel (illustrative), photo: Eyal Margolin, Ginny

As is well known, the war also caught the standing army in one of the greatest crises in its history. As we revealed in Israel Hayom, a record number of officers decided to leave the army on their own initiative for a variety of reasons. One of the main reasons was the public attitude towards the servants, who were often called "free eaters," and the vast majority of servants were ashamed to walk around in public in uniform.

Due to this trend, the army lost quite a few people and the level of professionalism declined. Therefore, over the past year the Manpower Division embarked on an extensive program of granting grants to those who serve in order to prevent the erosion – but even this initiative did not significantly improve the situation. The war may change the trend, but the defense establishment will have to think deeply about how to solve the issue of permanent personnel.

"Force building processes"

The IDF Spokesperson's response: "Against the background of the Iron Sword War, the IDF is required to continue to maintain force buildup processes aimed at maintaining its competence over time, and even to provide a response both to the gaps arising from the fighting and to the challenges that develop. To this end, the IDF is bringing forward the recruitment into service of some of those whose service was deferred in the past at their request for various purposes, including in order to carry out a pre-military preparatory program, a year of service, yeshiva studies, and more. The operation is carried out, inter alia, through the Social Security Division of the Ministry of Defense, which is responsible for liaison with the civilian bodies.

To maintain competence over time, and even to provide a response, both to the gaps arising from the fighting and to the evolving challenges, Photo: None

"In light of the above, an appeal was made to all the bodies requesting a response from them, with an emphasis on any of the trainees who in any case left the unique track or who wish to advance their recruitment. In addition, it was decided to focus the recruitment on those who started the track in the first place under the conditions of a vacant quota. With regard to the other NCOs whose recruitment must be brought forward, this will be decided by the competent bodies in the IDF. The Social Security Division and the Ministry of Defense will continue to act to support the IDF's activity in the war as a matter of routine."

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