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The head of Military Intelligence tour in the week before Black Saturday proved: The security officials were completely blind - voila! news

11/29/2023, 8:11:08 AM

Highlights: The head of Military Intelligence tour in the week before Black Saturday proved: The security officials were completely blind - voila! news. In the south he received an extensive review, but without warning about Hamas' intentions. In a discussion held that week, chaired by Prime Minister Netanyahu, all intelligence officials were unanimous that Hamas was devoting itself to the arrangement process. The only unusual comment received in the conversation was a warning of attacks by jihadist elements. The Intelligence Directorate and the IDF as a whole enter Simchat Torah in complete blindness.

During the week leading up to October 7, the head of Military Intelligence visited several divisional intelligence officials. In the south he received an extensive review, but without warning about Hamas' intentions. In a discussion held that week, chaired by Prime Minister Netanyahu, all intelligence officials were unanimous that Hamas was devoting itself to the arrangement process

In the video: Hamas documentation: The terrorist organization released a video releasing the abductees from the evening28 November 11/Al-Gezira

In a security discussion chaired by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held during the week before Black Saturday, Mossad officials stated that "Hamas is careful not to be dragged into a military confrontation with Israel." Later in the week, the head of Military Intelligence went through the divisional intelligence officers and received no unusual warning.

During the discussion, which was also attended by the IDF Intelligence Directorate and the Shin Bet, threats from all sectors were presented, but during the discussion there was no mention or hint of a change in the trend in Hamas' military-terrorist wing or an intention to carry out an attack. All intelligence sources were unanimous that Hamas was devoting itself to the arrangement process, which included a commitment to transfer money from Qatar and the entry of Palestinian laborers to work in Israel.

During the week, after the head of Military Intelligence, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliwa, took off with a small crew to a foreign country, he began a round of work visits with divisional intelligence officers, held once every six months. The 91st Division, commanded by Brigadier General Shai Klepper, sought to examine the activities and events leading up to the holiday vis-à-vis Hezbollah; No other new or alarming details emerged. The same was true of the 210th Division, commanded by Brigadier General Zion Ratzon, where activity in the Syrian Golan Heights was examined, with an emphasis on the activity of Hezbollah, Iranians and pro-Shiite militias in the area, and in the Red Division on the Egyptian border.

He received no warning. Head of Military Intelligence Haliwa/IDF Spokesperson

On Tuesday of that week, at around 18:30 P.M., the head of Military Intelligence arrived in the western Negev. The intelligence officer of the Gaza Division was on leave at the time as part of the "silence" reported on the IDF website, so the head of Military Intelligence decided that he and his team of assistants would visit the southern area of Military Intelligence, which is responsible, among other things, for the Gaza Strip. There, he met with about forty officers and officials to hear trends, comments, changes and recommendations.

In the meeting, which lasted several hours, not a single hint was presented of a plan for a raid by the military wing of Hamas or any other terrorist organization, imminent or planned in any configuration, on Israel's home front. During the meeting, intelligence officials emphasized anti-tank positions under cover of riots, which aroused some suspicion; The head of Military Intelligence emphasized how best to monitor Hamas' activity. During the visit, officers with the ranks of second lieutenant and lieutenant spoke in order to encourage freedom of speech and thought, reduce bottlenecks and fruitful discourse to comment and shed light on what is happening in the arenas of operation.

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We entered Simchat Torah in complete blindness. IDF Forces in the Gaza Strip/IDF Spokesperson

The only unusual comment received in the conversation was a warning of attacks by jihadist elements. At the end of the discussion, on the way to his car, the head of Military Intelligence was accompanied by several junior officials who drew his attention to processes in Military Intelligence. Until the moment he left the area, none of the officials had indicated plans for raids or attacks by terrorist elements from the Gaza Strip. The Intelligence Directorate and the IDF as a whole enter Simchat Torah in complete blindness.

During Chol Moed Sukkot, a document summarizing all the discussions between intelligence agencies and others, including Mossad, Shin Bet, Military Intelligence, Defense Ministry, NSC and Foreign Ministry was distributed. The document does not mention any hint or argument about Hamas' intentions. Again, the document paints a clear picture that the arrangement reassures Hamas and the Gaza Strip, but one of the sources does not indicate raid intentions or similar, except to focus on Hamas' intentions to manufacture and promote the construction of underwater vessels, unmanned aerial vehicles and precision means such as missiles.

The only threat raised in the discussion and in the document was a Hamas trend to smuggle precision missiles, unmanned aerial vehicles and underwater vessels. If the location of the smuggling is identified, it was agreed at the hearing, there is a recommendation to attack it - an action that will lead, according to estimates, to a maximum of one day of battle. In practice, Hamas' military-terrorist wing and leadership managed to carry out a perfect end-to-end trick of deception in order to deceive the Israeli intelligence community and cause almost complete blindness.

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