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After yesterday's attack and with the resumption of fighting - heightened vigilance in Jerusalem | Israel Hayom

12/1/2023, 6:08:32 AM

Highlights: After yesterday's attack and with the resumption of fighting - heightened vigilance in Jerusalem. Police decided to reinforce the routine security systems in Jerusalem, including patrols, proactive roadblocks and screening suspects. Yuval Doron Castleman, 38, who was critically wounded during the attack in Jerusalem by accidental gunfire by reservists at the scene, died yesterday at Shaare Zedek Hospital. Three people injured in yesterday's deadly attack in the capital are hospitalized, two of them in serious condition and another wounded in light to moderate condition. Three wounded people are hospitalized in Hadassah Ein Kerem.

The police decided to reinforce the routine security systems in Jerusalem, including patrols, proactive roadblocks and screening suspects

Vigilance and preparations in Jerusalem after yesterday's deadly attack in the capital in which four Israelis were murdered, and in light of the resumption of fighting Friday morning in Gaza. The police decided to reinforce the routine security systems in Jerusalem, including patrols, proactive roadblocks and the inspection of suspects.

The scene of the attack at the entrance to Jerusalem // Yoni Rikner

Meanwhile, three of those killed in the attack, Rabbi Elimelech Wasserman z"l, Hannah Ifergen z"l and Livia Dickman z"l, who was pregnant, were laid to rest yesterday.

Yuval Doron Castleman, 38, who was critically wounded during the attack in Jerusalem by accidental gunfire by reservists at the scene, died yesterday at Shaare Zedek Hospital. After fighting for his life for many hours, the medical team was forced to pronounce Castleman dead Mevaseret Zion, a lawyer who worked for the Civil Service Commission.

Three murdered in an attack in Jerusalem, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The scene of the attack in Jerusalem, photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Castleman, z"l, noticed the attack from the other side of the road while driving to work in the government compound, stopped his car and acted to neutralize the terrorists. Today (1.12) is his Hebrew and foreign birthday together. His family said he served in the security forces in the past, was always a hero and the first to leap to save lives, and he did the same this time.

At Shaare Zedek Medical Center, three people injured in yesterday's deadly attack in the capital are hospitalized, two of them in serious condition and another wounded in light to moderate condition. Three wounded people are hospitalized in Hadassah Ein Kerem. Two of them, aged 22 and 52, who were brought in fair condition, underwent surgery yesterday by surgical and orthopedic teams to treat the gunshot wounds. The 17-year-old boy, who was brought in light condition, is being treated for shrapnel wounds to his legs in the orthopedic ward.

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