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Soldiers' Shooting and Delay in Interrogation: The Difficult Questions Surrounding the Death of Yuval Doron Castleman | Israel Hayom

12/1/2023, 8:11:11 PM

Highlights: Preliminary investigation indicates that one of the two soldiers suspected that Castleman was another terrorist. Footage shows Castleman raising his hands and removing an item of clothing to show that he was not carrying an IED. It is likely that the MPIU and the police will examine, in light of the soldiers' testimonies, why they fired at Castleman. Castleman's body will not be transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine for examination. He was 38 years old and leaves behind a wife and two children.

A preliminary investigation of the incident indicates that one of the two soldiers who neutralized the two terrorists suspected that Castleman was another terrorist and shot him • Footage from the incident shows Castelman being shot while lying on the road, raising his hands and removing an item of clothing to show that he is not carrying an IED • It is likely that the MPIU and the police will examine, in light of the soldiers' testimonies, why they fired at Castleman

The MPIU and the police are expected to continue investigating the accidental shooting incident as part of the attack in Jerusalem on Thursday, in which attorney Yuval Doron Castleman was shot dead after he was suspected of being a terrorist.

The police announced earlier today that according to a preliminary investigation of the case, one of the two soldiers who neutralized the two terrorists suspected that Castleman was another terrorist and shot him.

New footage from the attack in Jerusalem: Two terrorists get out of a car and fire in all directions towards a busy hitchhiking station 27A

The footage circulating on social media of the incident raises some difficult questions surrounding the case. We emphasize that the details of the case have not yet been fully clarified. The footage shows Castleman being shot while lying on the road, raising his hands and removing an item of clothing to show that he was not carrying a bomb. It is likely that the MPIU and the police will investigate, in light of the soldiers' testimonies, why they fired at Castleman.

Castleman, who was taken to the hospital in critical condition, was initially described as anonymous when he was admitted to the hospital. In fact, it seems that until the early evening it did not become clear that an accidental shooting incident had occurred as part of the attack. Later, it was decided that his body would not be transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine in Abu Kabir for examination.

Castachman raises his hands and the soldiers shot him anyway,

The IDF initially announced that the incident would be investigated by the police and the Shin Bet, but later, after public criticism, they announced that the DIP would also take part in the investigation.

The late Castleman was 38 years old, a lawyer in the Civil Service Commission. He left behind family and friends. Today is his foreign and Hebrew birthday. His family said: "He was always a hero and the first to leap to save lives, and he did the same this time."

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