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5-hour flight from Ben Gurion Airport: the island where people simply forget to die | Israel Hayom

12/3/2023, 3:38:48 PM

Highlights: Ikaria is a Greek island where life expectancy is 10 years longer than the European average. The island is 1,000 kilometers from Ben Gurion Airport. Ikarians follow a traditional Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, fresh vegetables, legumes and seafood. They tend to garden, hike and climb the mountainous terrain of the island, incorporating movement into their daily routine. Ikaria's appeal goes beyond the promise of a long life. It is about adopting a way of life that prioritizes well-being and connection.

Exactly 1,000 kilometers from Ben Gurion Airport lies an island defined as a "blue zone" – one where life expectancy significantly exceeds the regional and global average. What is so special about this remote Greek island?

In the Aegean Sea, 40 km off the coast of Turkey and 1,000 km from Ben Gurion Airport (ostensibly a two-hour flight, but since there are no direct flights, getting there takes 5-7 hours), lies a Greek island where time seems to have forgotten to step forward as usual. This island is Ikaria, a place where centenarians are common and the average life expectancy stretches 10 years longer than the European average. Ikaria's appeal isn't just the turquoise waters and sunny beaches. These are the Ikarians themselves, a community known for its vibrant spirit, laid-back lifestyle and, of course, high life expectancy.

What exactly is the secret to the longevity of the inhabitants of Ikaria? While scientists are still unraveling the mystery, it is believed that there are several factors, which we will present here with the help of Bard:

· Mediterranean diet: Ikarians follow a traditional Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, fresh vegetables, legumes and seafood. This diet is known to be heart-healthy and anti-inflammatory.

· Exercise: Ikarian residents are not gym addicts, but they are active by nature. They tend to garden, hike and climb the mountainous terrain of the island, incorporating movement into their daily routine.

Climb the rocks instead of lifting weights. Ikaria, photo: Thanasis Theocharidis / flickr

Strong social ties: Family and community are the cornerstones of life in Ikaria. They often gather for meals, celebrations or just to chat, and enjoy a strong sense of belonging and support.

Mountain air and sun: Ikaria boasts an idyllic climate, with fresh mountain air and abundant sun, both contributing to overall well-being.

Life without stress: Ikarians prefer leisure to achievement. They adopt the concept of "siga-siga" (σιγά-σιγά), which means, more or less, to take the time, little by little, to savor every moment and avoid the frenetic pace of modern life. It is a phrase that reminds people to be patient, since the desired result will be achieved in the end. The phrase Siga can be used in many contexts, and its message of perseverance and resilience is particularly relevant in today's fast-paced world. The phrase is often used to encourage young children to stay focused and keep trying, no matter how difficult the task may seem. As far as the people of Ikaria are concerned, it is their sacred right to peace and quiet.

A place where time stands still

Visiting Ikaria is like entering a time capsule. Life develops at a more moderate pace. The elders of the community are admired and actively involved. Traditional music fills the air, and laughter echoes through the narrow streets. The island welcomes tourists with open arms, but has not lost its authentic charm. Here you will find taverns serving fresh local cuisine, family-run shops selling handicrafts, and secluded coves perfect for swimming and sunbathing.

The town of Avdilos in Ikaria,

Blue zone

The island is known as a "blue zone", meaning a part of the world where life expectancy is higher than average. The concept of "blue zone" grew out of a demographic study by Gianni Paes and Michelle Pollan, published in 2004 in the journal Experimental Gerontology, and alongside Ikaria, Okinawa, Japan; Italian island of Sardinia; Nicoya, Costa Rica; and Loma Linda, California.

Not just longevity

Ikaria's appeal goes beyond the promise of a long life. It is about adopting a way of life that prioritizes well-being, connection and a deep appreciation for simple pleasures. It is a reminder that life is not summed up by chasing each year, but savoring each one with intention and joy. So, if you're looking for an escape from the incessant hustle and bustle of the modern world, Ikaria is waiting for you. Don't be surprised if you find yourself lingering on long lunches, joining in with impromptu village dances, or simply sitting on the beach, watching the sun paint the sky in fiery hues. Ikaria has a way of casting its magic, leaving you with a special sense of vitality. Maybe you'll discover the Ikarian secret, and maybe, just maybe, forget to die.

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