The Limited Times

The Unthinkable Fight: The K's and the Libertarians Fight for the Presidency of Parlasur

12/3/2023, 8:55:31 PM

Highlights: The issue pits the elected parliamentarians of the Union for the Homeland against the foreign minister elected by Javier Milei. In La Libertad Avanza they affirm that the leadership of the organization must align itself with Milei's position. In Kirchnerism, they maintain that, unlike the presidencies of the Deputies and the Senate, in this case "the line of succession" is not at stake. Since its creation in 2005, Parlasur has always been the focus of criticism for the expenses it generates and its specific competencies.

In La Libertad Avanza they affirm that the leadership of the organization must align itself with the position expressed by Milei. In Kirchnerism, they maintain that, unlike the presidencies of the Deputies and the Senate, in this case "the line of succession" is not at stake.

While the assembly of Javier Milei's cabinet takes all the attention, an underground dispute opened up between the libertarians and Kirchnerism: both want the presidency of Parlasur, which this year is Argentina's turn.

The issue pits the elected parliamentarians of the Union for the Homeland – among whom are Teresa Parodi, Victoria Donda and the former ambassador to Ecuador, Gabriel Fucks – against the foreign minister elected by Milei, Diana Mondino, who refuses to let them remain at the head of the organization. That is why he sent Julio Serna – who worked as a shipowner in the libertarian campaign and was a candidate for Parlasur – to negotiate.

La Libertad Avanza states that the country chose a change by voting for Milei and that this must also be reflected in the leadership of the body that, in its opinion, "did not do things well."

They even point out that important agreements are coming, between Mercosur and the European Union, and the presidency of Parlasur must be internationally aligned with the vision of the new head of state.

In their favor, Kirchnerism states that they are in the majority. Sergio Massa's comeback in the October 22 general election left them with 17 seats of their own and, plus provincial allies, claim to reach 21.

La Libertad Avanza came in second place with 12 of its own. And Together for Change with 6. The rest belongs to other spaces.


The composition of the delegation must be respected," they say. Unlike the tradition of the Chamber of Senators and Deputies - which was defended by Cristina Kirchner - they clarify that in this case the president's line of succession is not at stake.

"Even if we are guided by uses and customs, in 2016 during the presidency of Mauricio Macri, the Front for Victory had a majority and Jorge Taiana was the president of Parlasur," they recall.

With these arguments on the table, the debate began. There have already been two informal meetings between emissaries of Kirchnerism and La Libertad Avanza in the hope of unblocking the negotiations and achieving an agreement.

In the chamber, Parlasur legislators are not grouped by blocs of nationalities or parties, but by ideological affinity. For example, the so-called Progressive bloc is made up of legislators from Kirchnerism, the PT in Brazil, the Frente Amplio in Uruguay and Venezuelan representatives.

After 8 years – and after the suspension of the 2019 election – deputies for Parlasur were re-elected directly in these elections.

Elisa Carrió, who headed Horacio Rodríguez Larreta's ticket, has already resigned from her seat due to health issues. Luis Brandoni should take over for Juntos por el Cambio; the psychologist, writer and political analyst Federico Andahazi and the outgoing mayor of Bahía Blanca Hector Gay.

Since its creation in 2005, Parlasur has always been the focus of criticism for the expenses it generates and its specific competencies. Moreover, its decisions are neither binding nor do they have the force of law for the member countries.

The allowances of parliamentarians have not been paid since 2015, only per diem is paid to pay for three-day trips to Montevideo where they meet for deliberations, which are paid for by the Chief of Staff.

However, there are court filings over the salaries, the first initiated in 2016 by Alejandro Hernán Karlen, of the then Front for Victory, which is still pending a definition in the Supreme Court. If the ruling is finally favorable to Karlen's claim, there could be a cascade of similar proposals from the rest of the parliamentarians in the same situation.

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