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Gush Etzion responds to Biden: "Sanctions are being imposed on a handful of a few dozen people" | Israel Hayom

12/5/2023, 8:26:40 PM

Highlights: Gush Etzion responds to Biden: "Sanctions are being imposed on a handful of a few dozen people" This is one of Washington's harshest measures against Israeli citizens in decades. Head of the Gush EtZion Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council, Shlomo Ne'eman, responded to this, saying: "In the name of the 'holy balance,' the strongest power in the world decides today to drop missiles" "When they arrest a maximum of ten people, the truth will come out and the whole world will understand that there never was and does not exist such a phenomenon," he said.

This is one of Washington's harshest measures against Israeli citizens in decades • Gush Etzion Regional Council head and Yesha Council chairman: "Sanctions are being imposed on a handful of only a few dozen people"

US President Joe Biden's administration announced on Tuesday that starting today it will restrict the entry of settlers who have resorted to violence against Palestinian civilians in the West Bank, one of Washington's harshest measures against Israeli civilians in decades.

Head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and Chairman of the Yesha Council, Shlomo Ne'eman, responded to this, saying: "In the name of the 'holy balance,' the strongest power in the world decides today to drop missiles. While the State of Israel is in the midst of a war for home, in a war of light against darkness, the United States is trying to put a few isolated cases of criminals who have taken the law into their own hands.

Confrontation between settlers and Palestinians (archive), photo: Getty-Images

"Who will now stand at the checkpoints at the entrance to the United States – representatives of B'Tselem or representatives of Hamas?! And when they arrest a maximum of ten people, the truth will come out and the whole world will understand that there never was and does not exist such a phenomenon of 'settler violence.'"

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