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Against the background of the war: Police prepare for Maccabees march in Jerusalem | Israel Hayom

12/7/2023, 11:46:55 AM

Highlights: The Maccabees March will take place in the Old City of Jerusalem tonight. About 200 people are expected to participate in the march, who are supposed to pass through Damascus Gate without stopping to the Western Wall. The march is causing a storm on Arabic social networks, which may lead to clashes between Muslims and the participants. Chairman of Lech Yerushalayim: "Hamas is also trying to turn the capital into a war zone", says Maor Zemach.

About 200 people are expected to participate in the march, who are supposed to pass through Damascus Gate without stopping to the Western Wall • The march sparks a storm on Arabic social networks, which may lead to clashes between Muslims and the participants • Chairman of Lech Yerushalayim: "Hamas is also trying to turn the capital into a war zone"

Vigilance and preparations in the Jerusalem District Police ahead of the Maccabees March tonight (Thursday) by right-wing organizations in Jerusalem. Police officers alongside Border Policemen will be deployed along the route of the march in the Old City area of the capital, in order to secure the marchers and also to prevent disturbances, friction or clashes.

The marchers are expected to gather at Tzahal Square, and then hold a ceremony to honor the souls of fallen IDF soldiers who fell in an iron sword war. In addition, one of the themes of the march, according to the organizers, is "to remove the Waqf from the Temple Mount, to renew full Jewish control over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount." The march, which is expected to be attended by about 200 people, which is supposed to pass through Damascus Gate in one stick without stops to the Western Wall, is causing a storm on Arabic social networks, which could lead to clashes between Muslims and march participants.

Jerusalem District Commander Doron Turgeman, Photo: Israel Police Spokesperson's Office

The police told Israel Hayom that: "Conditions have been set for the organizers of the march. Any violation of the conditions will lead to a change in the route of the march or its cancellation." The organizers plan to hold a communion ceremony with the fallen in the war, but if there are inflammatory chants or incitement signs or a large number of participants beyond the agreement with the police, it will revoke the police's authorization to hold the march. The police made it clear that the march would not reach the Temple Mount. As reported by Israel Hayom, Arabic social networks called on young Muslims to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque ahead of the Maccabean March, which will take place this evening and is expected to pass through Damascus Gate in the Old City of Jerusalem. The social networks read in Arabic: "Al-Aqsa's call is holy," and "Move toward your holy temple."

Temple Mount (archive), photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The social networks also wrote in Arabic, referring to the march: "Judaism at the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, whose goal is to renew absolute Jewish control over Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa."

Maor Zemach, chairman of Lech Yerushalayim, said: "Hamas is doing everything to drag east Jerusalem into violence, terror and blood. This incitement must be stopped here and now. I trust the security forces to allow Jews to march on Maccabees in Jerusalem, our eternal capital."

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