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And now, let's move back to Mr. Conception | Israel Hayom

12/7/2023, 9:07:36 PM

Highlights: Commentators who marketed Oslo, the disengagement and the Shalit deal to us continue on their own. Now they preach to return the PA to Gaza and surrender to the U.S. This is how the perceptions that led to the massacre are once again starring. No soul-searching, no repentance. Rekindling fire in the embers of poisoned thinking that has brought us this far. No current fact or historical experience helps, not even the identification of Mahmoud Abbas and his people with the Hamas path since October 7.

Commentators who marketed Oslo, the disengagement and the Shalit deal to us continue on their own • Now they preach to return the PA to Gaza and surrender to the U.S. • This is how the perceptions that led to the massacre are once again starring and endangering our very existence

While the condemnation of the concept that crashed in the South is on everyone's lips, here it is already coming back to it, in a big way. In panels in television studios, headlines and commentators' articles, many have changed nothing. The same people who invented and fueled the ideas that caused the October 7 disaster are leading again, as if they were never wrong. No soul-searching, no repentance. Rekindling fire in the embers of poisoned thinking that has brought us this far.

For some reason, those who invented, fueled and interpreted the chain of disasters of the past 30 years, from Oslo and the Disengagement to the Shalit deal, continue to tell us what needs to be done. With an authoritative, decisive voice, they chart a path and market worldviews. Not to mention demands for investigation and conclusions from everyone, just not from themselves.

Many of the panelists and writers of articles – from Amnon Abramovich to Amos Gilad, from Israel Ziv to Amos Yadlin, from Rav Drucker to Nachum Barnea – continue to recommend and direct a path for the future, even though so many of their statements and analyses in the past turned out to be blind, wrong and destructive.

Watch the extraordinary footage: Dozens detained on suspicion of involvement in terrorism in the heart of the Gaza Strip

A particularly extreme example is Amnon Abramovich, the man who has been a dominant presence in our public sphere for decades. The man who promoted the Oslo disaster, who pleaded to keep Sharon from all incrimination like Etrog so that it would be possible to "disengage" from Gaza, the man who pushed to surrender to the bloody blackmail that ended in the Gilad Shalit deal. At every possible juncture, Abramovich made mistakes and misled, leading the leadership to make terrible mistakes. In any sensible society, he would be held responsible for what happened.

So did Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad, who took part in many of the destructive, delusional processes that built the catastrophe. Gilad is Mr. Conception in all its glory - a man who embodies the delusional national and security floppy disk that was replaced by Oslo. And even today, under every fresh camera, it is ripe. He continues to promote the strengthening of the Palestinian terror authority, rebukes those who dare to confront reality.

Any other professional, except for various commentators, would retire in disgrace after such serial failures, certainly not preaching and teaching a way for the future. But with us, when it comes to the messianic path known as the peace camp path, there is no limit.

Notari Abu Mazen

The repetition of the concept is especially dangerous when it comes to the question of the day after, because we are once again preached to ignore reality. Liberate enemy strongholds with the soldiers' blood, in order to reimpose the Ramallah terror authority there. No current fact or historical experience helps, not even the identification of Mahmoud Abbas and his people with the Hamas path since October 7, from non-condemnation to explicit support. Nor are the data on the massive involvement of Hamas officers and Fatah operatives in terrorism against us in the past two months alone.

Those who are supposed to be experts on Palestinian, military, and security affairs are leading the concept of blindness that caused senior intelligence officials to ignore reality on the eve of October 7, following the self-deception in the disengagement and throughout Oslo.

In the same breath, we are also preached to surrender unconditionally to any whim of the Biden regime. Because we have no choice, because the vision of the extremist Democrats to impose a "renewed" Palestinian Authority is right and just. Beyond the fact that we must not commit suicide nationally, even at the cost of a confrontation with our great friend, it is not at all clear that such a confrontation is indeed necessary, even if we tell Biden and his people – simply not.

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, photo: GettyImages

Because the grave mistake of the Democratic government concept since the Obama era has not been shared by the Republican establishment. The one who is expected to rule Washington with great certainty on the day we finally take control of the Khan Yunis steppes. This is also why the recommendation of the "experts" to fold is detached, along with being disastrous.

Added to the package of stupidity is evil in the form of persecution of settlers in Judea and Samaria. The plot of transferring the General Staff reserve to Judea and Samaria on the eve of the war is constantly being nurtured, and this is no coincidence. The intention is to point an accusing finger against our very presence in Judea and Samaria, in order to justify surrendering to the Americans and Abu Mazen. But the story of the General Staff Reserve reinforces the failure of blindness on the part of decision makers on the eve of Simchat Torah, a blindness that stemmed from the same historical conception that brought us the Palestinian Authority.

Whoever transferred the reserve did not imagine what was about to emerge from the south, mistakenly believed that the threat in Judea and Samaria was more serious. Only without our solid security meetings in Huwara and Hebron, we would have received Hamas in a reinforced edition in Petah Tikva and Tel Aviv.

Back to the Shalit Concept

The most urgent example of the return of the concept concerns the abductees and the stopping of the war. Not to be confused, nothing is coincidental about the powerful campaign to force the government to surrender to Hamas unconditionally. Every interview of a family member in the media, every headline in the newspaper – everything is the product of a sophisticated campaign that recreates the dynamic that led the weak leadership, headed by Netanyahu, in 2011 to surrender and release Sinwar and his associates.

The campaign was then led by Tammy Shinkman, who continues to be invited to the studios, and continues to market the terrible merchandise she managed to sell at the time. The one that caused the murder of dozens of Israelis by the terrorists of the deal after their release, and then the October 7 disaster itself. No, she doesn't regret it, doesn't think she did anything wrong, doesn't even think in retrospect that the deal was a bitter mistake.

Beyond the outrageous position, the problem is that people like Sheinkman, led by Ronen Tzur, continue to receive a push to lead an identical and effective campaign. This is a heartbreaking move that plays into the hands of the enemy. For example, highlighting the harsh quotes from the meeting between some of the abductees' families and cabinet ministers. Not to mention headlines accusing the government of "You're killing us." Note also the downplaying of the voices of families who oppose surrender to Hamas, such as Iris Haim – Yotam's mother who is being held in Gaza, or Eliyahu Libman – Elyakim's father.

For decades, since the establishment of the state, we have rightly opposed any surrender to the enemy's attempts at blackmail. From Entebbe to Sabena, we demonstrated to those standing in front of us that they would not be able to dismantle us from within. Since the Jibril deal, however, we have been supplying the enemy with particularly effective ammunition, culminating in the Shalit disaster. But today far greater damage could occur, with the slogan "everyone for everyone" being nothing less than a recipe for the destruction of the state. Not to mention the demand to stop the fighting and allow the monsters to escape our jaws.

Thus they return to the malignant conceptions on which the eclipse of the lights of Black Sabbath was built. In this way, there are those who allow them to once again take over the discourse, poison the public and undermine the already weak backbone of our leaders. In order to block this dangerous trend, it is important first of all to stop listening to everyone who has brought us this far. Anyone who continues to spread his erroneous doctrine, despite everything, instead of retiring to the corner of shame of history.

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