The Limited Times

Despite the war in Gaza, Israel continues its settlement policy in the West Bank and Jerusalem

12/7/2023, 7:47:37 PM

Highlights: Despite the war in Gaza, Israel continues its settlement policy in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The municipality approved the construction of a new settlement on Wednesday 6 December. According to the NGO Peace Now, the 1,738-unit neighborhood will be spread out on both sides of the Green Line. However, for the president of the French association La Paix Now, these announcements are "a negative message: once the war is over, colonisation will continue, with no prospect of a solution for the Palestinian territory"

As the bombardment continues in Gaza, Israel has not given up its settlement enterprise in the West Bank and Jerusalem. The installation

In the shadow of the bombing in Gaza, Israel continues its policy of colonization of the Palestinian territories. In the West Bank, but also in East Jerusalem – occupied and annexed by the Jewish State – where the municipality approved the construction of a new settlement on Wednesday 6 December. According to the NGO Peace Now, the 1,738-unit neighborhood will be spread out on both sides of the Green Line, established in 1949, which divides Jerusalem in two.

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According to The Times of Israel, the Lower Aqueduct project is the largest approved in East Jerusalem since 2012. Before that, in October, the municipality had already authorized the installation of the future settlement of Kidmat Zion, in the heart of "the Arab neighborhood of Ras al-Amud, in Palestinian territory," explains Alain Rozenkier. However, for the president of the French association La Paix Now, a supporter of the Israeli movement "Shalom Akhshav" or "Peace Now", these announcements are "a negative message: once the war is over, colonisation will continue, with no prospect of a solution for the Palestinian territory".

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