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Speaking of savoring, then have a perfect time: tips and recipe of Keren and Itzik Kadosh for making donuts | Israel Hayom

12/7/2023, 6:17:15 AM

Highlights: Keren and Itzik Kadosh, owners of Kadosh Cafe in Jerusalem, shared with us five important tips for making the perfect donut. There is also a recipe - Pavlova donuts with mascarpone cream, meringue and fresh strawberries. What is the traditional method of grandmothers to check the temperature of the oil, and what is the best thing to do if a deficiency is suddenly missing during frying? Israel Hayom: Have a perfect time: tips and recipe of Keren and Butz Kadosh for making donuts.

What is the traditional method of grandmothers to check the temperature of the oil, and what is the best thing to do if a deficiency is suddenly missing during frying? The pastry chef who leads the beloved Kadosh Cafe in Jerusalem, shared with us the important steps on the way to making the donut • And there is also a recipe - Pavlova donuts with mascarpone cream, meringue and fresh strawberries

Hanukkah is upon us, and ahead of the first candle lighting event, pastry chef Keren and Itzik Kadosh, owners of Kadosh Cafe in Jerusalem, shared with us five important tips for making the perfect donut.

Keren and Itzik Kadosh, Photo: Shuka Cohen


Safety instructions for frying

It is important to make sure that the pot is completely dry before pouring the oil into it and removing any flammable source from the frying environment.
It is recommended to work with long sleeves, long pants and closed shoes. It's a good idea to use a thermometer so that we can control the temperature of the oil throughout the process.


The donut is placed in oil, carefully, one by one - and do not throw them into the oil from above, but slide diagonally.
Prepare a container lined with absorbent paper in advance. Using a slotted spoon, remove the doughnuts when they are ready and place them on it at an angle, so that the excess oil drops easily.

Deep frying, photo: Liron Almog

Type of oil

Canola oil is most recommended for deep frying. It is rich in saturated fat and has a high smoking point.


Using the right pot is important for the comfort and success of frying, as well as for maintaining safety in the kitchen. The pot should be wide enough and have high sides to prevent the oil from squirting or sliding. On the other hand, using a pot that is too deep will make it difficult to function and remove the donuts.

Deep frying

Deep frying is a must. The optimum frying temperature should be about 170 degrees. The temperature may vary and it is important to regulate it if necessary. For this purpose, it is recommended to use a dedicated thermometer and leave it in the pot throughout the frying time.

If there is no thermometer, the grandmothers' traditional method of testing the oil is followed: put a wooden spoon into the oil. If the oil is bubbling around the spoon, the oil is sufficiently warm.

Missing oil during frying?

Add between frying cycles and not while the doughnuts are already in the pot, as this will cause the oil to cool and thus harm the quality of the frying. If there is no choice, and you must add oil while frying, increase the flame to the maximum and add the oil gradually with a slow drizzle.

At the end of frying, remove the donut with a slotted spoon to absorbent paper or a colander so that the oil drips down.

Recipe for Pavlova donuts,

Recipe for Pavlova donuts with mascarpone cream, meringue and fresh strawberries of holy coffee


For donuts (about 30 units)

1 kilo flour

50 g fresh yeast (1 bag)

3 4/1 cups lukewarm milk

1/3 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 eggs

95 grams soft butter

2 tablespoons brandy

Grated peel from half a lemon

to the mascarpone cream:

250g room temperature mascarpone cheese (simple cream cheese is also possible)

250 ml heavy cream for whipping

2 tablespoons powdered sugar

1 tsp. high-quality vanilla extract

Meringue kisses

Fresh strawberries

How to prepare:

Start with the dough for doughnuts:

In a mixer with a kneading hook, put the milk, eggs and yeast and mix.

Add the sugar, flour, salt, brandy and lemon zest and continue kneading.

Add the butter gradually and blend until a uniform mixture is obtained.

Continue kneading for about five minutes until you get a smooth and shiny dough.

Cover the surface of the bowl with plastic wrap and rise to double the volume.

Transfer the dough to a very slightly floured work surface.

Roll out to a thickness of 1 cm and with the help of a cup (or wink) cut circles about the diameter of an egg.

Place on a greased surface or on pre-cut squares of baking paper and grease the balls to prevent dehydration.

Puff up to double volume.

Heat oil for deep frying and put the dough balls carefully.

(The oil should be at a temperature of 170-160 degrees plus minus, this way you will ensure that the donut is ready inside)

Fry for about 2 minutes on each side until golden brown and cool.

Prepare the mascarpone cream:

Beat all the cream ingredients in the mixer with a foaming balloon until you see the foam marks on the cream.

Transfer the cream to a perfusion bag.


Using a knife, open the doughnuts.

Drizzle mascarpone cream inside and garnish with kisses and fresh strawberries.

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