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How good it is not to be like them: the humiliation is Hamas's - not ours | Israel Hayom

12/9/2023, 10:38:49 AM

Highlights: Hamas rioters are the sons of Satan's outpouring, writes Yossi Ben-Ghiat. They removed themselves from all humanity and opened a new evolutionary branch of non-human-like humans, he says. The horror videos that run on the Internet are a danger to every healthy soul, he writes. "We will be obligated to all of humanity to hold a videotaped and broadcast public trial of all those in our hands," Ben- Ghiat says. "In our eyes it certainly will be, because with all our facts, we really are in a different league"

It was not we who were humiliated on 7/10, but our enemies who were revealed in all their shameful rot • The horror videos that run on the Internet are a danger to every healthy soul • And because of its positions, I decided to lift my family's longstanding boycott of Germany and its products

Some say that on the seventh of October we were humiliated. What a humiliating statement. We were not humiliated, but cheated. The fact that we were caught so unprepared, and that things were done to us that are not done to humans or animals, or even inanimate people, does not humiliate us in the slightest. Vice versa.

In my eyes, those who have been humiliated to the ground are the rioters, the sons of Satan's outpouring whose inner world has been revealed in the glory of its shameful decay. They came to humiliate and came out defeated for generations to come. They removed themselves from all humanity and actually opened a new evolutionary branch of non-human-like humans.

And not only the Nukhebs who raided our settlements, but also their supporters, and the rabbi who came with them, and those who greeted them with jubilation, and those who rejoiced in their hearts, and who thought they had something good out of it. They all humiliated themselves, emphasizing to those who needed emphasis, how different we were from them, on what radically different level we faced our inferior neighbors.

It is told about the Sanz Rebbe who lost his entire family during the Holocaust, his 11 children were murdered, and his wife, and all the circles of his life, about a thousand people in all. He was left alone, wounded, weak, and the Nazis continued to abuse him. It is said that they let him carry heavy sacks while mocking and laughing at the guards. It is also said that he himself did not stop laughing even for a moment, and when his students came to him and asked him what was so funny here, he said to them: I laugh because I am not like them. And ask Him: Will you continue to say, "You have chosen us from all nations," and He replied that now, in the face of all refined evil, He will say the words with complete faith, because behold, this is the work of the nations, and how good it is not to be like them, even if it hurts.

And when all this is over, very soon I hope, we will be obligated to all of humanity to hold a videotaped and broadcast public trial of all those in our hands, and to build a large studio where this trial will take place, with a cage like Eichmann's, and the survivors and family members and witnesses and testimony will come up and tell what they did, and these testimonies will reach every home in the world, shocking every soul, even souls that do not want to hear. It will be so well made, like a series on Netflix, and it will be impossible to take your eyes off it, and at the end of the process there will be an execution of all of them together, and it is not certain that our radiance will rise in the eyes of the peoples, but in our eyes it certainly will be, because with all our facts, we really are in a different league.


Imagine that there is a substance that if you consume it kills you, but if someone else consumes it saves your life. Hard? Not so much. This is what is happening with the videos of the horrors filmed by the Nukhbahs, whose names will be erased, and which have been compiled in a film by the IDF Spokesperson, which is screened for those who are willing to watch.

This week, Koren Shalom Haim, 20, passed away. He was a curious guy who wanted to see everything. He searched and found the most difficult videos and watched them all. It killed him. His mother testifies that he became depressed and lost taste in his life. At his death, he saved four people who received his organs, the comfort of the poor. On the same issue, a friend told me this week that one day this week he noticed a motorcycle driving very dangerously.

He began to follow him, and saw that he was passing one red light after another, making forbidden turns, driving without entrances. In the end, he caught up with him and stopped him. After a short questioning, he found out that the young man, a former normative, had taken part in the preparation of the horror film, and since then has lost all faith in humanity, in life, doing everything possible to make something happen to him already. The policeman released him with only a warning, and a request that he take care of himself. I hope we don't read a small item about him in the margins of the newspaper.

On the other hand, we know that people around the world, decision makers and influencers of all kinds, from the moment they watch the terrible film they change, and become supporters of the Israeli position, or at least understand our side as well. And there is a serious moral problem here – given that watching the harsh scenes can change a person forever, make his life miserable, shatter his faith in goodness and innocence forever, is it right and justified to suggest that the people we want see things for? Is this what you do to friends?

I confess, I have not seen or visualized any of these scaffolding videos. Even when I scroll through my feed and something pops up that I recognize will immediately reveal to me sights that my soul cannot stand. I stop. Not tempted by the natural call of the soul - amazed me. No thank you. I know about the existence of absolute evil, I don't have to see the proof. I have enough of the words of these newborns of women who have excluded themselves from humanity in their thoughts and actions. I don't have to see what it looks like.

A new generation is growing here. The generation that saw the videos. We'll hear more from them. In the courts, lawyers will still use this incident to justify a variety of crimes and offenses. Never has the term "eye care" been so important. Don't be tempted. Whoever looks becomes a salt commissioner.

Nations of the World

While most of the nations of the world miss our faces, and the anti-Semitism that has lived in their hearts for generations is once again breaking out, there are points of light here and there on the globe that make my heart happy and comfort me in these difficult days, when we feel like the least welcome child in the class.

Here, for example, is the Minhasa tribe in Indonesia. A small, Christian tribe with a Muslim population of about a quarter of a billion people, all Hamas supporters. And they support us. Yes, yes. And this week they attacked a Hamas supporter who walked around their small island with a Palestinian flag, and judged him. What made me happy was that when there is a small sliver of light in the heart of a great darkness, it expels the darkness. Sura Darkness. Down with black.

And not just the Minhas. Not far away, in New Zealand, the Māori, the original indigenous inhabitants of the place, are also in favor of us, and when Hamas supporters wanted to demonstrate there, they came with their costumes, and knocked in front of their faces the frightening haka dance, which includes ceremonial tongue extractions and beating on the hips, who wouldn't fear? And I was so happy with both of them, because in the eyes of ancient tribal societies they have not yet fallen prey to the current disruptions of consciousness, and are able to see good and evil, truth and falsehood, simply, without nonsense.

And besides these, there is Germany. Since the beginning of the war, I have been shocked by the position taken by the European power under the unwavering leadership of Olaf Scholz, who, unlike his predecessor, who brought demographic destruction to her country and introduced a violent fifth column into it, does not hesitate to support us morally without reservations, however much he may cost. The man vehemently opposed a ceasefire, announced that he would deport Arab immigrants in large numbers, and of course came to visit us at shiva. Not obvious.

I grew up in a home where German produce is banned. The legacy of Auschwitz. Not a TV, not a radio, certainly not a car. Everyone drove a Beetle, we faltered in a Fiat 127. And obviously they don't visit Germany, as far as my father is concerned, a thousand generations ahead. And I accepted it and I too have distanced myself all my life from Made in Germani, even if it means giving up quality. And now, with our unequivocal support in the heart of a converted Europe, I am announcing the lifting of the boycott. Sufficient. As far as I am concerned, Germany has proven during this difficult time that it has made a significant way in disconnecting from its terrible heritage. And there is still a way to go by ending the financial support for all kinds of anti-Israel NGOs operating within us, but it is already small.

The next time I buy a new car, I'll allow myself to reflect on Made in Germany. And if you see me driving a Volkswagen, don't be angry. It's not a break from ancestral heritage, it's gratitude.

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