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A difficult conversation with a polite diplomatic flavor: Israel is disappointed in Russia's position - but not enough to sever relations | Israel Hayom

12/10/2023, 1:58:10 PM

Highlights: A difficult conversation with a polite diplomatic flavor: Israel is disappointed in Russia's position - but not enough to sever relations. For 50 minutes, Netanyahu spoke with someone with whom relations in the past defined strength and became a necessary diplomatic burden. The length of the conversation did not indicate the nature of the relationship, but rather the depth of anger over Russia's place on the axis of evil. The request that the Russian president pressure the Red Cross to visit the abductees indicates an ongoing relationship, even if it is chilled.

For 50 minutes, Netanyahu spoke with someone with whom relations in the past defined strength and became a necessary diplomatic burden The length of the conversation did not indicate the nature of the relationship, but rather the depth of anger over Russia's place on the axis of evil The request that the Russian president pressure the Red Cross to visit the abductees indicates an ongoing relationship, even if it is chilled The question now is what Putin will try to extract from the situation in order to paint his power

The length of the conversation between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday did not indicate the nature of the relations between the two as it was in the past, but rather the depth of anger on the Israeli side over the place that Putin's Russia has taken in the Hamas-Iran axis of evil.

Putin: Aren't you shocked by the destruction of the population in Gaza? Reuters

For 50 minutes, Netanyahu spoke with someone with whom relations once defined strength and have now become a necessary diplomatic burden. It was only the second conversation since the start of the fighting, beginning and ending with criticism of Putin and his actions since the Oct. <> massacre.

"Strong criticism of dangerous cooperation"

In the summary of the conversation as it was released to reporters, the harsh details were omitted, while Israel's rebukes of Russia were disguised as "displeasure." This shows that despite everything, Netanyahu is very careful not to tear the rope with Russia, both because of its presence in the region and on our northern border in particular, and because of concern for Russian Jewry.

Despite the position of other politicians on the right, according to which Israel should have stood firmly against Putin even before the massacre due to the war in Ukraine, Netanyahu holds on to what little remains of the relations between the two countries, even when Russian aggression is already directed against us.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Bogdanov and Hamas representatives Abu Marzouq and Naim in Moscow in October, photo: social networks

At the very beginning of the conversation, Netanyahu focused his anger at the conduct of Russia's representatives at the UN and other forums against Israel, particularly at the embrace that Putin's representatives give Hamas terrorists and the leaders of the murderous organization.

In their conversation, Netanyahu publicly criticized the cooperation between Russia and Iran, which is leading the attacks against Israel, and in accordance with the announcement, voiced "strong criticism of dangerous cooperation."

The knot was not cut this time either

The reprimand that presents Russia on the side of the axis of evil portrays Israeli disappointment, but not as recommended by quite a few senior Israeli officials – severing relations.

Widespread destruction in the Gaza Strip, photo: AFP

What is the evidence of a connection that was not cut this time as well? In light of his close relations with the Hamas-Iran leadership, Netanyahu demanded, in light of the fact that there are abductees with Russian citizenship held by Hamas, that Putin pressure the Red Cross to visit all the abductees and provide them with assistance.

A 50-minute conversation that ends with a request indicates an ongoing, albeit chilly, relationship between Netanyahu and Putin, in which the Israeli prime minister still expects the Russian president to act on behalf of the citizens of Israel.

That's not what separation looks like, and the question now has shifted to the other side: What will Putin try to produce in order to portray his power where other countries have failed to use the Red Cross against the hostages who are still being held captive?

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