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From previous operations to today: The fighters who stay together - and are photographed | Israel Hayom

12/11/2023, 5:07:44 AM

Highlights: From previous operations to today: The fighters who stay together - and are photographed | Israel Hayom. They were photographed together in previous operations, Defensive Shield and Protective Edge. Now that they have returned to Gaza again, they are recreating their previous photos together. Years have passed, but it seems that the fighting spirit has strengthened and the friendship has only deepened. The enemy has not changed either, and Gaza is still the most dangerous place where there is no choice but to fight again, especially after the October 7th disaster.

They were photographed together in previous operations, Defensive Shield and Protective Edge • Now that they have returned to Gaza again, they are recreating their previous photos together • Years have passed, but it seems that the fighting spirit has strengthened and the friendship has only deepened

In normal times, the phrase "image reconstruction" refers to innovative technology that breathes new life into an old photo, or a new trend on TikTok, in which families recreate a photo from their childhood with familiar music. But after October 7 and with the outbreak of the Iron Swords War, that too changed.

162nd Division fighters operating in the Jabaliya area | Credit: IDF Spokesperson

The reconstruction of the image refers to photographs of fighters in operations such as Defensive Shield and Protective Edge, who were called upon to fight again in Gaza. What changed, apart from the years that passed between filming? Everything, probably. But it seems that the friendship between the fighters remained, and even strengthened. The enemy has not changed either, and Gaza is still the most dangerous place where there is no choice but to fight again, especially after the October 7th disaster.

Who are the soldiers, some of whom were in the regular army and became reservists in the meantime? To this, the poet Nathan Alterman replied: "We are the silver platter, on which the Jewish state was given to you," in his famous poem "The Silver Platter," which was published in his column "The Seventh Column" in the Davar newspaper in December 1947. Unfortunately, despite the distance of years, it seems that these words are still relevant, and will remain so forever.

Is it the same tunnel? - Soldiers of Company G of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade - Then and Now

Soldiers from Company G of the 52nd Battalion of the 401st Brigade - then and now, photo: IDF Spokesperson

In Operation Protective Edge, the tunnel challenge was at its peak. At the end of the operation, there was no mention of the complete destruction of the underground threat. Therefore, the tunnel shaft that appears in the reconstruction of the picture of the soldiers of Company G in 2023 is not surprising at all. But when you look at the differences between the pictures, you can't miss the demolitions near Jabaliya in 2014 compared to the new structures that have been damaged today. So Hamas's constant attempt to rebuild Gaza is clearly evident in the pictures. But judging by the expressions on the faces of the fighters, their spirits are still strong.

It's been 21 years? Maj. Michael Goldberger and Maj. Yuri Gurevich – from "Defensive Shield" to "Iron Swords"

Major Michael Goldberger and Maj. Yuri Gurevitz - From Defensive Walls to Iron Swords, Photo: IDF Spokesperson

Maj. Michael Goldberger from the 6th Brigade headquarters and Maj. Yuri Gurevich from Battalion 9219 were photographed together in 2002, when Operation Defensive Shield was in progress. After the October 8th disaster, they were summoned by Order 20 to fight again in Gaza. With the exception of the camera's quality, which has improved over the years, it's barely been more than <> years. The smiles from ear to ear remained tense. The carelessly placed helmets and ceramic vests indicate the full commitment of the reservists, who left everything behind and were called back to the flag.

The tank remained in place - fighters of the 46th Battalion from the 401st Brigade: "Modeling Protective Edge"

"Modeling Protective Edge" - fighters of the 46th Battalion from the 401st Brigade, photo: IDF Spokesperson

Back in 2014, fighters from the 46th Battalion from the 401st Brigade in Gaza were photographed, with their house, which at the time was none other than the tank itself. Now, in an iron sword war, Staff Sgt. (res.) Yogev Levanon, Sgt. (res.) Avrom Naumburg and Staff Sgt. (res.) Amitai Zevulun are recreating their iconic image: the smile is in place, as is the hat. And the tank still stands, like the crew that operates it.

The same flag - a reserve company of the 9th Battalion in Operation Protective Edge - and today

A reserve company of the 9th Battalion in Operation Protective Edge - and today, photo: IDF Spokesperson

"In the Second Lebanon War, one of our own was killed. The flag in the picture is the same flag he used to walk around with in the company," the fighters say. They reconstructed the picture of the battalion's soldiers from Operation Protective Edge. The blue sky is not so clear anymore, and the uniform may have shrunk a little, but the fighting spirit has only strengthened and the flag is still there.

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