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Israel-Gaza War, Live | Borrell denounces that Israel uses "the same tactics in the south of Gaza as in the north or worse"

12/11/2023, 5:02:56 PM

Highlights: The death toll in Gaza from the Israeli offensive has risen to 18,205 since October 7, according to the Hamas-controlled Gazan Health Ministry. France, Germany and Italy call on the European Union to agree on a special sanctions plan against Hamas. The World Health Organization (WHO), in fact, on Sunday called for relief for the "catastrophic" health situation in Gaza, although its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, acknowledged that an improvement in conditions is "practically impossible"

More than 18,200 killed in Gaza Strip, Hamas-controlled Gaza Health Ministry says | France, Germany and Italy call on EU to impose special sanctions plan against Hamas | WHO says improving health situation in Gaza is "virtually impossible"

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The High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Policy, Josep Borrell, denounced on Monday that Israel continues to bombard southern Gaza "with extraordinary intensity". Despite international demands for containment, Borrell accuses Israel of using "the same tactics as in the north or even worse" in the southern part of the enclave. In a letter to Borrell, France, Germany and Italy called on the European Union to agree on a special sanctions plan against Hamas. The three countries note that it is important for the EU to take "all necessary measures against the Hamas terrorist group and its supporters." The World Health Organization (WHO), in fact, on Sunday called for relief for the "catastrophic" health situation in Gaza, although its director-general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, acknowledged that an improvement in conditions is "practically impossible". The death toll in Gaza from the Israeli offensive has risen to 18,205 since October 7, according to the Hamas-controlled Gazan Health Ministry. There are also 49,645 wounded.

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The death toll in Gaza stands at more than 18,200, according to Gaza's Health Ministry

Gaza's Hamas-controlled Health Ministry has reported that 18,205 people have already been killed in the Strip by Israeli attacks since the start of the conflict on October 7. The number of injured stands at 49,645.

In a statement released through the social network Telegram, the Gaza Ministry assures that the siege of the Israeli army has destroyed the health system in northern Gaza and has killed 296 health professionals. "The health situation in hospitals in the South is catastrophic and unbearable, and medical teams have lost control in the face of the huge number of injured," the text adds.

ACT.11 DEC 2023 - 17:32

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