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Smotrich at the faction meeting: "There is a terrible campaign of incitement against the residents of Judea and Samaria - look down at the dozens of women who fell from the settlement" | Israel Hayom

12/11/2023, 2:29:22 PM

Highlights: Smotrich at the faction meeting: "There is a terrible campaign of incitement against the residents of Judea and Samaria - look down at the dozens of women who fell from the settlement" The Finance Minister attacked the "incitement campaign" over "the demand for the transfer of NIS 400 million to strengthen security in the defense of the communities" Smotrich called on the heads of the parties from the coalition and the opposition to condemn the campaign and apologize to the families of the fallen.

The Finance Minister attacked the "incitement campaign" over "the demand for the transfer of NIS 400 million to strengthen security in the defense of the communities" • He said: "The campaign joins a terrible campaign of incitement that has been taking place since October 7, in which half a million residents are accused of responsibility for the terrible massacre in the south" • Smotrich called on the heads of the parties from the coalition and the opposition to condemn the campaign and apologize to the families of the fallen

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich on Monday attacked the "terrible campaign of incitement against the settlers in Judea and Samaria" at a meeting of the Religious Zionist faction because of the "demand for the transfer of NIS 400 million to strengthen security in the defense of the communities." According to Smotrich: "This campaign joins the terrible campaign of incitement that has been taking place since October 7, in which half a million residents of Judea and Samaria are accused of responsibility for the terrible massacre in the south." The finance minister called on all party leaders to condemn the campaign and apologize.

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"The State of Israel is at war," Smotrich said at the beginning of his remarks. "As we promised, immediately after the deal to return some of the abductees, we returned to fighting with all our might. Fight until victory."

The Triumph of Light over Darkness

"It is impossible not to look at the days we are in, the days of Chanukah, days when we celebrate the victory of the few against the many - the victory of light over darkness. Every day we hear about the names of other heroes who fell for the just and moral war of the State of Israel and the protection of the home."

Smotrich spoke about the funeral of Lieutenant Netanel Menachem Eitan, who fell on Friday in the northern Gaza Strip, and about the condolence of mourners among the Eisenkot family and the family of Eitan Fish. "From all of them, we are more committed to the will of the fallen that the sacrifice will not be in vain, that we complete the work, destroy Hamas and restore security to the citizens of Israel."

Destroyed Palestine Square, screenshot from clash report's X account

Smotrich mentioned the cabinets' decision not to bring in Palestinian workers from Judea and Samaria and the decision to cut the funds transferred to the Palestinian Authority.

"The civilian cabinet decided last night, after a lengthy discussion in which the positions of professionals and heads of the defense establishment were heard, to recommend to the political security cabinet not to bring in Arab workers from Judea and Samaria during wartime. Later, the Political Security Cabinet adopted the recommendation. A state that desires life does not bring enemy civilians into it in time of war. This is true in Gaza and true in Judea and Samaria."

"Yesterday's cabinet meeting marks an important change in direction for the government. Insisting on the security of Israeli citizens and getting out of the collapsed conception that money buys quiet and that the enemy in Judea and Samaria is different from the enemy in the Gaza Strip. The cabinet ministers made the right decision at this time, despite the position of the heads of the defense establishment, who thought otherwise."

The settlement pays a terrible price

"True leadership must hear all parties and ultimately make the right decision for the State of Israel," Smotrich stressed. "In a democratic state, the authority and responsibility belong to the political echelon. Unfortunately, today we are witnessing a terrible campaign of incitement against the settlements in Judea and Samaria because of my demand to pass a budget of about NIS 400 million to strengthen security in defense of the communities and small Israel."

Riots in Judea and Samaria, Photo: AP

"This campaign joins a terrible campaign of incitement that has been taking place since Simchat Torah, in which half a million residents of Judea and Samaria are accused of responsibility for the terrible massacre in the south. The only thing I have to say on this matter is shame on you! Look down at dozens of mothers and wives of the fallen from the settlements who fell defending the residents of the envelope and the State of Israel. The terrible price paid by settling the victims is immeasurably greater than its weight on the public, and against whom you incite ? Are you faulting the demand for basic defense against the Arab enemy?"

"I call on all party leaders, including opposition leaders, to condemn this terrible campaign and apologize to the families of the heroes. I don't know what's going on in other parties, and I'm sure that everyone is mobilized for the campaign, but it is impossible and there is no democratic justification for such a fatal violation of the right to be elected. We are in a democracy, democracy has rules, and this is a gross trampling of the rules of the game."

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