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The Evil of the 21st Century: Malignant Anti-Semitism Broke Out | Israel Hayom

12/11/2023, 3:17:55 AM

Highlights: Three top U.S. universities have resigned over calls for genocide against the Jews. Anti-Semitism has become the dominant dogma in most prestigious universities. The foundations have been laid in the minds of academia and elites through hatred of Israel. It is the recognition of this common enemy and our common struggle against it that forges the natural alliance between National Socialist Germany and freedom-loving Muslims all over the world. It's worth noting how modern it is, how postmodern and contemporary it is.

As early as 100 years ago, Max Nordau argued that anti-Semitism was always on the front lines • The moral vacuum of the US university presidency proved just how right he was • With widespread support, pogroms seem to be just around the corner

There is no doubt that the festival of lights brought with it some moral clarity. Three mature women, the glory of America's academic aristocracy, have reached the summit of screening America's female elite.

Watch: US university leaders refuse to define call for genocide as violation of code of ethics

Towards the end of last week, one of the moral vacuums in which the presidency of three of the most prestigious universities in the United States function was revealed. All three offered uniform answers, according to which the issues of the "massacre of El Yahud" on campus, in English are genocide, are context-dependent. One of them, Liz McGill, resigned on Tuesday amid heavy pressure.

It is clear that the answers they provided, as is customary in our districts as well, were drafted for the three by their lawyers. After all, they were unable to make a clear statement against calls for genocide against the Jews.

Penn University President Elizabeth Magill Photo: AP

Perhaps Hannah Arendt was right about the "banality of evil" after all. Malignant anti-Semitism has burst out into something resembling the air that Jews in the United States, England, France, Holland and Belgium have been breathing for some time.

I wonder why you don't hear about it in Orban's Hungary. Probably because the subversive incitement network of NGO organizations from the Soros Seminary or the European Union did not hold on and deepened its roots in Budapest and other countries in the region.

Palestinianism at its peak

One of the steps on the road to mass pogroms goes beyond incitement and delegitimization – isolating Jews and cutting them off from the environment and society. And this is happening now, to one degree or another, in enlightened America.

What effectively leads many young people towards contemporary anti-Semitism is Palestinianism. Just like on campuses, the White House also has a substantial group of Hamas supporters. They sent a letter to the president demanding that he stop the fire in Gaza.

Aside from the rotten-ridden campuses of the most advanced theories, there are also Muslim associations such as CAIR, which are affiliated with the Democratic Party and whose leaders expressed solidarity with the mass slaughter on October 7.

Pro-Palestinian demonstration, photo: Reuters

Apart from Palestinianism, the two theories that have become the dominant dogma in most prestigious universities are DIE and critical race theory. The foundations have been laid in the minds of academia and elites in the United States through hatred of Israel – both in the sense of Judeophobia and in the sense of hatred of the State of Israel.

DIE is diversity, inclusion and equality of outcome – it is a theory of moral relativity that succeeds in creating a meeting point between progressive feminism and Nazism. Here, the queen of feminism Judith Butler, a Jew, just like the local Amira Hess, justifies and understands, and perhaps even excites, the barbaric murder and everything that came with it. Who would have thought that feminism would give rise to Heinrich-Himalarias.

Nazi imagination

"To the Grand Mufti, Amin al-Husseini, Berlin," Himmler wrote to the Mufti of Jerusalem on November 2, 1943, marking the day of the Balfour Declaration in Berlin in the Luftwaffe Hall. It's worth noting how modern it is, how postmodern and contemporary it is.

"Since its founding, the National Socialist movement in Greater Germany has championed the struggle against world Jewry. As a result, the movement always followed with particular sympathy the struggle of the freedom-loving Arabs, especially in Palestine, against the Jewish invaders. It is the recognition of this common enemy and our common struggle against it that forges the natural alliance between National Socialist Greater Germany and freedom-loving Muslims all over the world.

"On the anniversary of the disgraceful Balfour Declaration, I send you in this spirit my heartfelt congratulations and best wishes for success in your dedication to the realization of the promised final victory. Signed, Heinrich Himmler."

The unfortunate word "national" could be dropped at the beginning of the letter, why not settle for the nice word "socialist"? And instead of the obnoxious German name, what's wrong with a name like Enrique Guterres? Then the content of the letter seemed so progressive.

This again proves how right Herzl's colleague, Max Nordau, was when he argued more than 100 years ago that anti-Semitism is always modern and on the front lines. In the current period, the left in the West is legitimizing anti-Semitism, and the extreme right is taking advantage of the new atmosphere and may contribute to the conflagration.

Many are unaware that the popular figure in the American media, Tucker Carlson, is an anti-Semite and a big Trump supporter. It's a volcano that could become active. With the rise of supporters of Israel, Dutch Geert Wilders and Argentine Javier Millay, we seem to be at the heart of a global culture war.

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