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A revolt against the Likud? Dichter threatened and backtracked, Edelstein and Gamliel did not vote for the state budget | Israel Hayom

12/14/2023, 1:10:23 PM

Highlights: A revolt against the Likud? Dichter threatened and backtracked, Edelstein and Gamliel did not vote for the state budget. The budget law for fiscal year 2023 passed its second and third readings by 59 votes to 44 against, but it seems that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still has work to do behind the scenes to keep his party united. "No war - not now," tweeted MK Yuli Edalstein after the budget did not pass. "We will not be defeated," said Agriculture Minister Avi Dicher.

The votes on the state budget exposed cracks in the Likud • Minister Dichter threatened to vote against but relented after Netanyahu's intervention • Minister Gila Gamliel was absent from the plenum and did not offset with another opposition MK • MK Yuli Edelstein voted together with the queen camp with one of the reservations on the budget

Thursday morning's vote in the Knesset on the state budget for 2023 in its second and third readings revealed cracks in the Likud.

MK Yuli Edelstein voted in favor of the reservation of the state camp, which directs the budget of the Ministry of Education's coalition funds to the Takuma Administration.

One way or another, after the reservation did not pass, Edelstein voted against the budget but later asked to change his vote in the protocol to abstain, claiming that he had made a mistake in pressing the button. After it was published, he tweeted on his X account: "No war - not now." Edelstein informed members of his party in advance that he would not be able to support the budget as long as it included funds that were not for war purposes. When the objection to this version fell in the plenum, he said he would not vote in favor of the budget.

Votes on the 2023 State Budget, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

Not only did Edelstein "flex his muscles," Minister Avi Dichter also threatened not to vote in favor of the budget together with his friends in the Likud. During the morning, talks were held behind the scenes between Prime Minister Netanyahu and Minister Dichter in an attempt to persuade him to vote in favor. Dichter insisted on transferring money to farmers. Their conversation included shouting at members of Minister Smotrich's office.

MK Yuli Edelstein, Photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The crisis with Dichter was resolved after Netanyahu instructed the minister's office to make the money demanded by the agriculture minister available for the benefit of farmers and water financing. Only after that, Dichter arrived at the plenary hall.

Difficulties were also noted with Minister Gila Gamliel, who was not present in the plenary hall during the votes on the budget, nor did she offset herself with another member of the opposition.

One way or another, the budget law for fiscal year 2023 passed its second and third readings by 59 votes to 44 against, but it seems that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu still has work to do behind the scenes to keep his party united.

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