The Limited Times

Fireworks on New Year's Eve 2023: date for sale of firecrackers and rockets

12/16/2023, 6:21:09 PM

Highlights: Fireworks on New Year's Eve 2023: date for sale of firecrackers and rockets. Small fireworks may only be sold on the last three days of the year. The prerequisite for the purchase – and use – of category 2 fireworks (rockets, batteries, firecracker) is the age of majority. Lidl is forging ahead this year and is already offering a fireworks reservation online. In the past year, there has been an increase in attacks on police and rescue workers. In every city, there will not be fireworks in every city every year.

Status: 16.12.2023, 19:06 PM

By: Hannah Decke

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For many people, it's a must: fireworks on New Year's Eve. The sale of rockets and firecrackers is strictly regulated. When does it start?

Hamm - Fireworks on New Year's Eve - a topic that heats up minds every year. Some love it, others would prefer to have it banned. But a general ban on firecrackers for private individuals does not seem to be an issue on New Year's Eve 2023 in Germany. Firecrackers and rockets will be back in supermarkets and discounters in December. But when will the sale of fireworks for New Year's Eve 2023 start?

Fireworks on New Year's Eve 2023: When firecrackers and rockets will be sold

There are clear rules in Germany when it comes to New Year's Eve fireworks – and they are the same every year:

  • Small fireworks, i.e. the classic New Year's Eve bonfire (category 2), may only be sold on the last three days of the year. As a rule, this is the period from 29 to 31 December. However, since New Year's Eve falls on a Sunday this year, the fireworks may also be sold on December 28, 2023.
  • Small fireworks (category 1) such as table fireworks may be sold all year round.

On the Thursday before New Year's Eve, retailers are allowed to start selling. By the way, the rules also apply to online trading. The prerequisite for the purchase – and use – of category 2 New Year's Eve fireworks (rockets, batteries, firecrackers) is the age of majority, reports

Buy fireworks for New Year's Eve 2023: Discounter Lidl offers online reservation

Lidl is forging ahead this year and is already offering a fireworks reservation online. The discounter advertises that it can reserve rockets and firecrackers in the Lidl Plus app and then pick them up in one of the participating stores on December 29. Customers should definitely check the Lidl website beforehand to see where the service is available in their area. For example, reservations and pick-ups in Hamm (North Rhine-Westphalia) are only possible in one of six branches of the discounter.


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If you value not only beautiful fireworks on New Year's Eve 2023, but also to keep your fingers and not start the new year in an emergency room, there are a few things you should definitely consider when buying rockets and firecrackers*:

  • Only buy tested and approved fireworks! This can be recognized, among other things, by the CE mark and the identification number of the testing body.
  • Buying from well-known retail stores, such as well-known supermarkets, provides additional security.
  • Before using fireworks, the warnings should be read. For example, for classic New Year's Eve fireworks, a safety distance of at least eight meters must usually be maintained.
  • A firecracker should be thrown away immediately after lighting.
  • After igniting rockets and fountains, you should move away quickly. In addition, they should never be ignited under canopies or trees.
  • In the case of missiles, it is necessary to pay attention to a safe "launch pad".
  • "Unexploded ordnance" must never be lit again. It is best to pour water over them.
  • Handicrafts with fireworks are a common cause of accidents on New Year's Eve. So: Hands off!
  • Windows and doors should be closed on New Year's Eve to prevent lit fireworks from entering the building.
  • Pets should be placed in a room that is as quiet as possible.

*Source: State of North Rhine-Westphalia

On New Year's Eve 2023, there will be no uniform ban on firecrackers. However, the police union recently called for a ban on firecrackers in hotspots to avoid scenes like those on New Year's Eve 2022. In the past year, there has been an increase in attacks on police and rescue workers. In NRW, there will therefore be prohibition zones for fireworks in some places. However, not in every city.

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