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Teacher threatened with a knife by a 12-year-old student, sordid practices in French porn...: the news of the week

12/17/2023, 1:31:50 PM

Highlights: Teacher threatened with a knife by a 12-year-old student, sordid practices in French porn...: the news of the week. Every Sunday, find an overview of police investigations and ongoing court cases. Read our ANALYSIS of this week's featured news stories. Read the rest of Le Figaro's coverage of the stories you saw this week. Follow us on Twitter @lefigaro and @LeFigaroFrancois. Back to the page you came from.

NEWSLETTER «FAITS DIVERS» N°35 - Every Sunday, find an overview of police investigations and ongoing court cases.

Dear readers,

In Rennes, a 12-year-old student threatened her English teacher with a knife. "I'm crazy today, I want to kill someone today, the students who don't like me and the person in front of me. It happened in Arras, I'm going to do the same," said the schoolgirl on Wednesday. Fortunately, a staff member at the facility restrained her before she took action.

Born in Marseille, the Added Party is one of four children. His parents, of Mongolian origin, have been living in Rennes since 2012. The teenager had become known in the past for behavioural and communication disorders. She had already shown up at her school with a knife in her school bag.

A judicial investigation has been opened for "attempted murder of a person entrusted with a public service mission". What does this schoolgirl risk now?


In other news, news items...

  • Behind the scenes of French porn

Julien D. is accused of using several fictitious identities to lure dozens of women. The scheme, which lasted eight years, aimed to obtain their sexual favors before handing them over to the producer of the "French Bukkake" website. The latter, Pascal, is suspected of having organized and participated in a system of rapes of about fifty women. Ultra-violent and degrading sexual practices filmed and published on his amateur pornographic website.

Through the interrogations of the 17 accused, and the hearings of some fifty women, Le Figaro reveals in four episodes the mysteries of this affair which has shed a harsh light on a flawed industry.



  • Claire, 26, was raped by an illegal immigrant in the lobby of her apartment building

Claire was attacked in Paris last November by an individual under an obligation to leave French territory (OQTF). His ordeal lasted thirty interminable minutes.

This young woman now wants to speak out to "make things happen from a political point of view". "If this OQTF had been executed, this would not have happened. Every week, we hear stories about women who have been assaulted by people who are subjected to OQTF or who are repeat offenders. It's not normal, it's not something we should let go of," says Claire.


  • Reprieve for man who threatened to kill his son's teacher

Fayssal B., a 38-year-old man born in Algeria, was sentenced on Wednesday by the Bobigny Criminal Court to 12 months in prison suspended for two years.

On October 13, a few hours after the murder of Dominique Bernard, he had repeatedly declared that he wanted to "decapitate, hang and open" his son's teacher, while mimicking a gesture of slitting his throat with his hand. The suspect had previously made death threats against municipal police officers in 2022.


  • Is there a specific psychological profile of female criminals?

They kill and rape. Out of jealousy, revenge, greed, self-interest, quest for power, anger, intoxication of omnipotence, madness, cruelty, even... curiosity. Far from stereotypes, female criminals exist.


There is not much difference between female and male criminality. Or almost," notes Liliane Daligand, doctor of law, psychiatrist and legal expert, author of the book La violence au féminin.


Yesterday's Fact

Le Figaro, 17 December 1993. Le Figaro

Thirty years ago, one of the many tragedies in the case of the disappearance of little Gregory came to an end. On 16 December 1993, after almost four hours of deliberations, the Côte d'Or Assize Court sentenced Jean-Marie Villemin to five years' imprisonment, one of which was suspended, for the murder of his cousin Bernard Laroche on 29 March 1985. The latter had been suspected of the abduction and murder of the child whose body had been found in the Vologne on 16 October 1984.

The father, who had thought he had taken the law into his own hands, was released a few days later, the sentence covering his pre-trial detention. According to observers, the verdict was appeased. "It is not the sword and the scales that must be placed in front of an assize judgment: it is reason and emotion," said the legal columnist of Le Figaro, Pierre Bois, recalling the poignant pleas of Jean-Marie Villemin: "Mr. President, I beg you, do not separate me from Christine! I beg you: enough suffering!"

By our journalist Camille Lestienne.

What's on the agenda

  • Monday 18 December: Opening of the trial of Saïd Chabane. The former president and current owner of the Angers football club (L2) is on trial for seven sexual assaults before the Angers Criminal Court.
  • Thursday 21 December: trial of Charlie Hebdo, sued for defamation by a Muslim school, before the criminal court of Valencia. An article in the satirical newspaper, published in 2022, mentioned links between the association Valeurs et réussite, which runs an out-of-contract school in Valencia, and the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Friday, December 22: Seven members of the ultra-left are tried for planning violent actions against soldiers and police officers before the Paris Criminal Court. Sentences ranging from a two-year suspended sentence to six years in prison were sought.

Read more

In "The Devil's Bridegroom", journalist Philippe Le Dref looks back at the "Henriot affair" based on court documents, the victim's letters and the press of the time.

This incident, which occurred in 1934, left its mark on the city of Lorient (Morbihan). Michel Henriot, the prosecutor's son, had been convicted of the murder of his 19-year-old wife, Georgette, who was killed with a poker and a rifle. Initially, this crime was attributed to a prowler...

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We take a short break during the Christmas holidays. We will see you on Sunday, January 7th.

Until then, you have a great holiday season!

Guillaume Poingt, journalist at Le Figaro.

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