The Limited Times

Austin, 'U.S. Continues to Believe 2 States Solution' - Breaking News

12/18/2023, 4:41:41 PM

Highlights: Austin, 'U.S. Continues to Believe 2 States Solution' - Breaking News. "We know how difficult it is, especially after October 2, but the continued instability and insecurity play into Hamas' hands," he said. On the future of Gaza, Austin said that "Israelis and Palestinians have both paid too high a price to go back to October 7" "So today I discussed the paths to a future for Gaza after Hamas, based on the clear principles laid down on last month from my friend Blinken," he added.

The U.S. "continues to believe" in the two-state solution. This was said by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at a press conference with his Israeli counterpart Yoav Gallant. (ANSA)

The U.S. "continues to believe" in the two-state solution. This was said by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin at a press conference with his Israeli counterpart YoavGallant. "We know how difficult it is, especially after October 2, but the continued instability and insecurity play into Hamas' hands," he said. On the future of Gaza, Austin said that "Israelis and Palestinians have both paid too high a price to go back to October 7.
So today I discussed the paths to a future for Gaza after Hamas, based on the clear principles laid down on ;; last month from my friend Blinken."

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