The Limited Times

Istat, 'Italians are still falling, below 59 million' - News

12/18/2023, 10:52:03 AM

Highlights: As of December 31, 2022, Italy's population fell below 59 million, to 58,997,201 residents. 51.2% females and 8.7% foreigners. For every child there are 5 elderly people, precisely 5.6%. New negative record for the birth rate: 393 thousand in 2022, almost 7 thousand less than in 2021 (-1.7%).. In 1971 there were 46 over 65s for every 100 young people under 15, today there are 193. The generational relationship is increasingly unbalanced.

51.2% females and 8.7% foreigners. For every child there are 5 elderly people (ANSA)

As of December 31, 2022, Italy's population fell below 59 million, to 58,997,201 residents. This was ascertained by Istat with the 2022 census, explaining that Italy "is losing population and aging despite the contribution of foreigners". 51.2% are females and 48.8% are males. The generational relationship is increasingly unbalanced: for every child under 6 years of age, there are more than 5 elderly people, precisely 5.6%. As for the old age index, if in 1971 there were 46 over 65s for every 100 young people under 15, today there are 193. New negative record for the birth rate: 393 thousand in 2022, almost 7 thousand less than in 2021 (-1.7%).

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