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Vatican opens to blessing of gay couples, 'here are the rules' - Breaking news

12/18/2023, 2:21:21 PM

Highlights: Vatican rules out ritual blessing of same-sex couples. The blessing must not produce confusion with the sacrament of marriage. The rules are based on the "Blessing of the Cross" by St. Paul, which was approved by Pope Benedict XVI. The Vatican says the blessing should not be confused with a marriage ceremony, but with a visit to a shrine or a meeting with a group of people. The pope's decision was made in response to a request from the Vatican Council of Bishops for permission to bless gay couples.

The Vatican affirms that "blessings of couples in irregular situations and of same-sex couples, the form of which must not find any ritual fixation on the part of the ecclesial authorities, in order not to produce confusion with ... (ANSA)

The Vatican affirms that "blessings are possible for couples in irregular situations and for same-sex couples, the form of which must not be subject to any ritual fixation by the ecclesial authorities, in order not to produce confusion with the blessing proper to the sacrament of marriage." This is what is established in a new document of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith ("Fiducia supplicans").
The blessing, it is explained, comes from God "on those who, recognizing themselves as destitute and in need of his help, do not claim the legitimacy of their own status." The green light, therefore, is given to the blessing "not included in a liturgical rite." It is the line that had been anticipated by the Pope in response to the 'dubia' expressed by some cardinals last October, but which today is in some way 'codified'.
Therefore, if "a ritual for the blessing of couples in an irregular situation should neither be promoted nor envisaged", for the Dicastery that watches over the faith "the closeness of the Church to every situation in which God's help is asked through a simple blessing must not be prevented or prohibited.
In the brief prayer that can precede this spontaneous blessing, the ordained minister could ask for peace, health, a spirit of patience, dialogue and mutual help, but also the light and strength of God to be able to fully fulfill his will."
The important thing is that it is a non-liturgical blessing and, above all, that there is no confusion with marriages: "This blessing will never be carried out at the same time as the civil rites of union or even in relation to them. Not even with the clothes, gestures or words of a wedding." Then some concrete suggestions are also given: "This blessing can instead find its place in other contexts, such as a visit to a shrine, a meeting with a priest, prayer recited in a group or during a pilgrimage."

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