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Youtuber mom pleads guilty to child abuse - News

12/18/2023, 7:19:48 PM

Highlights: Youtuber mom pleads guilty to child abuse. The case was discovered when one of them ran away from home to ask for help. The 41-year-old woman, known on the network for the channel "8 Passengers", will now be decided by the judge on her sentence. Sentencing is expected on February 20 and the judge will make a decision on the sentence later this month. The "8Passengers" channel, currently closed, was created in 2015 and at its peak had about 2.5 million followers.

The case was discovered when one of them ran away from home to ask for help (ANSA)

Youtuber mom Ruby Franke has pleaded guilty to abusing two of her six children. The 41-year-old woman, known on the network for the channel "8 Passengers", pleaded guilty in court and will now be decided by the judge on her sentence. Sentencing is expected on February 20.

The abuse came to light in recent months after Franke's 12-year-old son managed to run away from home and ask for help from a neighbor who, suspicious of the duct tape still around the child's ankles and wrists, called the police. The "8 Passengers" channel, currently closed, was created in 2015 and at its peak had about 2.5 million followers. The channel followed the daily lives of Franke, her husband Kevin, and their six children, with no concern for their privacy.

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