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Daniel killed in Gaza, two and a half months after his best friend fell in the Gaza Strip | Israel Hayom

12/19/2023, 8:20:10 AM

Highlights: Sgt. Daniel Ben Harush, 31, from the community of Alon in Binyamin, fell yesterday in battle in the northern Gaza Strip. Two and a half months ago, Daniel's good friend, Maj. Amir Skouri, an officer in the Sayeret Matkal unit, was killed in battle. The two grew up together in Ramat Hasharon and were good friends from their days in the local Bnei Akiva branch. Daniel's wife, Hadar, wrote an emotional post after Scurry's fall: "I want everyone to know and hear about you"

After October 7, Hadar Ben Harush wrote a moving post about her husband's best friend - Major Amir Skouri who was killed in battle: "I want everyone to know you" • Yesterday, the city officer arrived at her home with the worst news of all: Your husband, Sgt. Daniel Ben Harush, fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip

Staff Sgt. (Res.) Daniel Ben Harush, 31, from the community of Alon in Binyamin, fell yesterday in battle in the northern Gaza Strip. Ben Harush, married to Hadar and father to two-year-old Yuval, was a soldier in Battalion 6551 of the 551st Brigade.

About two and a half months ago, on October 7, Daniel's good friend, Maj. Amir Skouri, an officer in the Sayeret Matkal unit, was killed in battle near the Gaza Strip. The two grew up together in Ramat Hasharon and were good friends from their days in the local Bnei Akiva branch.

Daniel's wife, Hadar, wrote an emotional post after Scurry's fall: "I feel like your name won't be one of a thousand. May your picture not fly among hundreds of others. I want everyone to know and hear about you. Not about Amir the soldier, the hero, the fighter, but about Amir, our friend. The man, the person and the soul you are.

"Amir who grew up with Daniel in Ramat Hasharon. About your friendship that does not depend on time and place that began at dawn, and continued over the years in the Bnei Akiva camps where the duo Skouri and Ben Harush were the kings of the branch, in the transitions between the educational institutions that you are in Shalef and Daniel in Hispin, in recruitment, weddings, births. About the fact that all the girls asked who the handsome with blue eyes was, but you've been Jonah's for as long as I can remember."

Daniel then shared his wife's post, adding: "True friend and brother you were! The words are not yet ripe to come out, but Hadari wrote so accurately."

Daniel Ben Harush worked as a youth coordinator in Moshav Shoava. Romi Nissim Sasson eulogized him: "Daniel was the cultural and youth coordinator in our moshav, the closest figure to the children and to us. He had just graduated from physiotherapy and was very proud. About a year and a half ago, his first son was born. The seat is all sucked in mourning for sweet and smiling Daniel, it's hard to contain the loss."

Documentation: The 551st Brigade operates in the Jabaliya area | IDF Spokesperson

Elena Sagtelyan wrote on Facebook: "How does such a person live, die? I opened Instagram in the morning and the first thing I saw - Daniel's smile... Daniel, smiling, smart, professional, attentive, aspiring, learning, you saved me in rehabilitation after complex heart surgery. It was only thanks to you that I went to the gym at all. "We need to bring you back to life, I want you to come here," were your words. How do we move on when the salt of the earth is plucked for us?"

Head of the Regional Council Binyamin Israel Gantz: "We have lost a resident, a father, a dear man, a fighter for his people and his country. The heart crashes on another whole world that falls. His death is the price of our resurrection. We owe him and his friends the continuation of building our country and society. We embrace Daniel's family and wrap our arms around his wife Hadar and two-year-old son Yuval at this difficult time. We will continue to accompany them together with the community of Alon."

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