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Feng Shui and Summer Solstice 2023: Energy Cleansing and Ritual for the Change of Season

12/21/2023, 10:22:52 AM

Highlights: Feng Shui and Summer Solstice 2023: Energy Cleansing and Ritual for the Change of Season. Specialist Patricia Traversa listed the key practices to take advantage of the summer season. Ritual to "activate the north" at home.. For Feng Shui, the summer solstice is one of the most important dates of the year. The event, which is perfected in the early hours of December 22, marks the beginning of the "most Yang" season in the planet's southern hemisphere.

Specialist Patricia Traversa listed the key practices to take advantage of the summer season. Ritual to "activate the north" at home.

For Feng Shui, the summer solstice is one of the most important dates of the year. The event, which is perfected in the early hours of December 22, marks the beginning of the "most Yang" season in the planet's southern hemisphere.

This was stated by Patricia Traversa, director of the Official Center for Professional Feng Shui, in dialogue with Clarín. The expert offered details on how to do a summer energy cleanse following the principles of this Eastern philosophy. After all, it will be the longest day of the year for all countries located below the equator.

The solstices, which mean "still sun," create the illusion that the sun is not moving on the horizon line. The specialist pointed out that this apparent pause in the solar path "suggests an annual turning point" that we can take advantage of.

It is also a season of stocktaking and rethinking, especially in the southern hemisphere, due to its proximity to the New Year's celebration. That's why it's also a good opportunity to thank the Sun. The expert stressed that "it is not a matter of making balances in terms of positive and negative, but of capitalizing on what has been learned".

On the other hand, Traversa referred to one of the maxims of ancient Chinese wisdom: to adapt to the cycles of nature in harmony. "The plants and flowers have already reached their maximum splendor, which began with the beginning of spring," he explained. In traditional Chinese medicine, there is talk of a time called late summer, during the last weeks of the season; it is a period of adaptation towards the Yin stage that will inaugurate autumn."

Before we get to this point in the summer, we will have another challenge: to go through the high temperatures that slow down the action. The specialist stressed the importance of leveling out those peaks of energy at home "so that summer Qi helps us to undertake and see situations clearly."

In that sense, Feng Shui provides guidelines to implement some changes, project ourselves with a renewed air and cultivate a positive attitude in a new year.

How to Balance Yang Energy at Home During the Summer

The director of the Official Center of Professional Feng Shui stressed that in the face of greater exposure to the sunlight that enters our home, incorporating objects and motifs that "refresh" the space and lighten the environment is a crucial guideline.

Flowers lift the Qi of spaces. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

"One way to introduce these positive aspects of summer into the home is with fresh plants and flowers. They have grown in spring and are in their splendor to raise the Qi of indoor and outdoor spaces," he advised.

She also suggested replacing heavy fabrics with lighter ones, decorating with summer motifs (fruits, beaches, birds and butterflies) and hanging pictures that represent crystal clear water and lush vegetation to the east and northeast of the living room. All of this "contributes mentally to creating a more airy and refreshing atmosphere," he said.

In short, a few days before the end of the year, it is likely that a great feeling of energy heaviness has accumulated in our home. Something that Traversa pointed out that we also feel in the body, in the need to eat less and lighter.

Stripping Away What Is Not Necessary

The Feng Shui expert stressed that it is important that we can get rid of stock before putting away what we did from the previous season: clothes that we do not use, broken objects or that are no longer needed.

"The idea is not to save more than what we take out, and even better to save less so that there is air in the storage spaces, to make room for the new that we want to arrive," he said.

Letting go of what we don't use is key to Feng Shui. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

It is known that accumulation and disorder make our brain work harder, they exhaust it idly due to the excess of stimuli that remain gravitating in our routine.

Create a light and cool environment

Once we've freed up space in the storage places, it's important to get out of the way what's running around without functionality. In fact, the summer sun is ideal for bleaching fabrics, leaving mats, pillows and cushions in all rooms airing.

Bamboo mobiles attract good Wi with their sounds and bring a wooden element to balconies. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

"Let's clear bedrooms and living rooms, let's take blankets, blankets, heavy curtains, fabrics, carpets out of circulation. After washing these textiles, we will store them neatly," said the expert.

In the living room and other shared rooms, Traversa recommended getting used to having centerpieces with fruits in good condition, aromatic flowers such as jasmine or other plants, as they bring a refreshing energy and full of vitality to the home.

In addition, expanding the proportion of free space also reduces the overall temperature of the environment and the sensory stimulus.

Prioritizing the cleanliness of outdoor spaces

"A summer energy cleanse has to focus on places of exchange with the outside world," said the specialist, "which take center stage in the hottest seasons."

Balconies, patios, terraces, windows, blinds need to be thoroughly cleaned. "Windows are the eyes of the home, they allow us to regulate the solar energy that comes in and the exchange of glances," he explained. In fact, he indicated that it is essential to sweep between the pots, clean the beds, the stairs and also dedicate yourself to doing maintenance of the plants.

Cleaning patios, windows and terraces is ideal this solstice. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

"If there are air conditioners, grills and light fixtures, it is essential to clean them so that the energy is not corrupted before entering the house," the specialist warned.

Another of the great allies in outdoor spaces are colorful mobiles or bamboo poles, since according to Traversa they redistribute and speed up Qi.

Additionally, water fountains and swimming pools counteract the excess of the Fire element of summer. In this regard, he clarified: "It is essential that the water is clean, it represents money and when it is dirty it emits a terrible Qi. On the contrary, keeping it moving and transparent emanates very positive Sheng Qi."

How to Correctly Introduce Yin Energy

Since summer is a Yang season, we can bring about greater balance with Yin actions that compensate for possible excesses.

Keeping clean water moving generates good Sheng Qi. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

You can, for example, control the entry of the sun into the rooms with curtains or pergolas, leave the windows open at night (the time of the day that has Yin energy) to ventilate or incorporate ambient music with the sound of fountains or waterfalls.

Ritual to "activate the North" during the summer solstice, according to Feng Shui

Traversa stressed that the summer solstice is an opportunity to set intentions honoring the Sun as a source of vital energy on our planet. For this reason, he detailed a simple ritual, "that leads us to reflect on activating our sun king and bringing light to those around us."

The luminous energy of this star can also be reflected in our daily attitude, in the daily habits of thanking, smiling, sharing, being supportive, being orderly and fulfilling our responsibilities.

Activate your inner sun with your good energy. Photo: illustration Shutterstock

First of all, set aside a quiet place before you start. These rituals should always be done barefoot, well rooted in our points of support.

  • If you're at home, stand in the north side of the living room. "The North corresponds to the summer season and, from there, we can activate our inner sun, our authentic brightness," explained the Feng Shui expert. If you find yourself on the beach or in an outdoor place, form a small campfire where resting your gaze, alone or in a group, is another way to celebrate.
  • In your home, light a red candle at dawn. Meditate calmly as you stare into its flame.
  • Write a list of positive habits that you want to internalize or strengthen in your life.
  • Let the candle burn out and be thankful for the blessings you have. If you want, you can finish the ritual by smoking the spaces, as they help you cleanse the energies.

"The summer solstice reminds us that the sun is always there, even if the times get cloudy," the Feng Shui specialist reflected. This date is to trust in our power to radiate light and life beyond all circumstance. Let's clearly state our intentions by feeling the sun in our hearts."

Patricia Traversa, director of the Official Center of Professional Feng Shui and author of the book "Change your life with Feng Shui", advised the event. On Instagram: @patriciatraversafengshui.

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