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Stealing as a distraction from depression: Zollinger goes on a thieving spree with his buddy

12/22/2023, 6:11:39 PM

Highlights: Stealing as a distraction from depression: Zollinger goes on a thieving spree with his buddy. Two men from the district of Freising had to answer for theft before the court of aldermen. The 28-year-old engineer from Zolling had a high-quality fitted sheet and an expensive stainless steel soap taken with him. The engineer was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment for theft and robbery in a less serious case. In addition, he has to pay 1000 euros to the St Vinzenz children's home.

Status: 22.12.2023, 19:00 PM

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Two men from the district of Freising had to answer for theft before the court of aldermen. © Soeren Stache/dpa

Two men from the district of Freising steal valuable goods in several Landshut shops. Therefore, they had to answer to the court of aldermen.

County – A hearing in the district court on Wednesday left a lot of room for speculation. Did one defendant persuade the other to make long fingers? Did it happen spontaneously or did the two men from the district of Freising already go to Landshut with the aim of going on a thieving spree there? Stealing to distract himself from his "severe depression", as a 28-year-old engineer said, and at the same time making sure that you only put brand-name clothes in the bag – isn't that mutually exclusive?

Two men go on a thieving spree through shops in Landshut

According to the prosecution represented by public prosecutor Matthias Zweck, the duo, who had never appeared before in criminal proceedings, had first visited a department store on Ländtorplatz. The 28-year-old engineer from Zolling had a high-quality fitted sheet and an expensive stainless steel soap taken with him. We continued via a fashion house in the old town, where a suspicious saleswoman did not let the two out of her sight, to the City Center. There they had more success again. The 29-year-old electrician from a district of Moosburg stuffed a jacket and trousers from a well-known manufacturer into a paper bag and left the store unhindered. His acquaintance did the same. In addition to his designer jacket and trousers, he also wore a hoodie in the paper bag.

Zollinger causes employees to fall

However, when leaving the City Center, he attracted the attention of the security employee. According to the prosecution, he pursued the Zollinger, finally got hold of him and held him down. "With the intention of securing the stolen goods," the defendant pushed the security guard away by hitting him in the chest with both hands. The man fell; the Zollinger managed to escape. However, both men could still be caught by the police in Landshut.

(By the way: Everything from the region is now also available in our regular Freising newsletter.)

Both had made a confession before the court of aldermen, one frankly, the other after initial hesitation. However, when asked by Judge Christian Lederhofer "why do you do something like that", they refused to provide any information. Her client sat in a cell for a few hours after the arrest, according to defense attorney Denise Peter. In the meantime, his apartment was searched. "That was a profound event for him." And the impression of the criminal proceedings was also salutary for him. Why he did this, "he can't quite explain to himself." In any case, her client had not been guilty of anything after the incident and that would remain the case, Peter was convinced.

Theft as a distraction from depression

"The depressions are not a protective claim," said Torstein Grunert, the defense attorney of the Zollingen engineer, regarding the comment by the prosecutor that the defendant had "specifically approached certain brands." The 28-year-old wanted to distract himself from his severe depression with the thefts, Grunert said. They did not want to go into more detail, but his client had immediately sought treatment after his arrest. To this day, he regularly consults a psychologist.

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In the end, the 29-year-old electrician got away with a fine of 40 daily rates of 80 euros each for the theft. The engineer was sentenced to eight months' imprisonment for theft and robbery with bodily harm in a less serious case. She was placed on probation. In addition, he has to pay 1000 euros to the St. Vinzenz children's home.

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