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"He always cared for everyone": Nadav Farhi is survived by his wife and two children | Israel Hayom

12/24/2023, 9:21:53 AM

Highlights: "He always cared for everyone": Nadav Farhi is survived by his wife and two children. Farhi, 30, immigrated to Israel from France and served as a combat medic in Battalion 7810. Fell yesterday when an IED exploded in battle in the central Gaza Strip. His friend in the army, Omer Alfandari, eulogized him: "I came to the battalion, fresh fresh from a medic course. And for me, really a role model"

Farhi, 30, immigrated to Israel from France and served as a combat medic in Battalion 7810 • Fell yesterday when an IED exploded in battle in the central Gaza Strip

Staff Sgt. (Res.) Nadav Issachar Farhi, 30, a combat medic in Battalion 7810, Yiftach Brigade (11), who fell yesterday in battle in the central Gaza Strip, is laid to rest Sunday morning at the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. Staff Sgt. Nadav Farhi is survived by his wife Kelly and two small children, aged four and one year, his parents and three brothers.

His friend in the army, Omer Alfandari, eulogized him: "I came to the battalion, fresh fresh from a medic course. After a few boring conversations with a few officers and errands, a smiling guy comes to me with a disposable cup of black coffee and a cigarette in his hand: 'I'm the flowers of the Brigade, come meet everyone.'

"A person who knew how to give you the feeling that you belonged in one second, a caring person who always cares about everyone. And for me, really a role model. When we went to training in the Golan, at a base where the cows enter the rooms, after a few months you got engaged and started preparing for release, and there you also informed me that I would replace you as Chagad. I remember my excitement, the phone call to tell friends and parents, and especially the sense of hope and even a little insecurity of whether I would be able to do it as well as you did.

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"The role of a brigade has very clear operational aspects, but your greatness was to create a cohesive and light feeling and to create a happy family brigade department that in the end also functions better in every situation. I hope I've been able to learn enough from you to pass on as much of this as possible.

"It hurts that I didn't keep in touch when you were released, but I always followed quietly and saw the amazing family you built with Kelly. I'm sure you get a place of honor up there and that you're already organizing a movie night and popcorn there for everyone to get together and be good friends.

"Love you dear flower. You were an amazing person full of goodness. It's just not fair. The heart is broken. You taught me a lot. I will remember you forever. Herzliya Mayor Moshe Fadlon: "The city

Herzliya is pained and mourns the passing of Staff Sgt. Nadav Issachar Farhi, z"l. Nadav immigrated with his wife from Paris years ago, out of the values of Zionism and love of the land. In the army, he served as a medic. For the past five years he has lived with his family in Herzliya. Nadav left behind a wife and two small children. We share in the family's grief. May his memory be blessed."

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