The Limited Times

"Mazette... What a Christmas! of France Music

12/24/2023, 6:12:49 AM

Highlights: "Mazette... What a Christmas! of France Music" explores the links between fatherhood, motherhood and... sacrifice. What is the connection between Benjamin Britten's ethereal Canticles and Bob Dylan's supercharged song Highway 61 Revisited? Jean-Yves Larrouturou has an uninhibited taste for musical interconnections. For the new year, our man has cooked a completely different menu, against the backdrop of a great radio game. But shhh, that's a surprise too!

For December 24, the Sunday show of France Musique, broadcast this Sunday, December 24 at 14pm, explores the links between fatherhood, motherhood and... sacrifice.

What is the connection between Benjamin Britten's ethereal Canticles and Bob Dylan's supercharged song Highway 61 Revisited? Jean-Yves Larrouturou has an uninhibited taste for musical interconnections! For the holidays, the producer of the show Mazette! What music! invites its listeners to an invigorating feast of stories, each more surprising than the last. The chairman of the board of directors of the Opéra Comique, who masters the big splits as well as the dancers of the Lido, glides from one world to another with a confounding naturalness. Here, an Arab-Andalusian melody unfolds its spidery melodies around the warm voice of the Sufi singer Nassima. There, the accompanying oud gives way to Benjamin Britten's piano, guiding the intertwined voices of tenor and alto in a hymn whose contours are less religious than poetic. Both melodies sing the same story: that of Isaac's sacrifice by his father Abraham, interrupted by the divine intervention of the archangel Gabriel. History has its variants. Sometimes by the same composer. Ten years after the composition of his hymn, Britten put it back on the loom for his War Requiem, whose scathing Offertorium, fed on Wilfred Owen's sharp verses, tells how the old man let his blade run over the whole of Europe. Sacrificing his sons one by one.

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Follow-up in ideas

Funny story for a Christmas Eve! Larrouturou all spit out. A deadpan prince of oxymorons in music, the Sunday storyteller has concocted a surprising menu for this New Year's Eve. Where the sacrificial lamb sits in the center of the table. Children sacrificed by their own parents, such as Isaac, Jephthah or Lakme. Mothers sacrificing their lives. It's Easter before its time! Isn't that, after all, the meaning of Christmas? Celebrate the birth of the one who comes to sacrifice himself for humanity? At least, that's what Larrouturou seems to remind us of in this inspired episode where baroque and traditional Christmases compete with the Passions... From Straussian operas to Handel's oratorios, or to the metaphysics of the John Adams-Peter Sellars tandem! It's because our host has a lot of ideas. To be convinced, we'll have to wait until next week: for the new year, our man has cooked a completely different menu, against the backdrop of a great radio game. But shhh, that's a surprise too!

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