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Elisha Jonathan Luber and Yosef Gittertz fell in battle in Gaza - voila! news

12/26/2023, 5:42:25 AM

Highlights: Elisha Jonathan Luber and Yosef Gittertz fell in battle in Gaza. Louvre is survived by his wife and 10-month-old son. Two hours before his father's death was filmed in a moving video. Earlier this year, Louvre's cousins were murdered in the shooting attack in Huwara. In addition, yesterday two fighters and an officer from the Golan Heights (7) were wounded by a mortar shell in the southern Gaza Strip. Another reservist was seriously wounded in battle.

Two reserve soldiers from the 179th Brigade fell yesterday in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. In addition, 4 fighters were seriously wounded in battle. Louvre is survived by his wife and 10-month-old son, who two hours before his father's death was filmed in a moving video. Earlier this year, Louvre's cousins were murdered in the shooting attack in Huwara

Ran Danker performs the song "Hallelujah" at the funeral of Sergeant Roni Eshel. November 12, 2023/Ori Sela

The IDF Spokesperson's Office confirmed today (Tuesday) that Staff Sergeant (res.) Elisha Jonathan Luber (24) from Yitzhar in Samaria and Sergeant Major (res.) Yosef Gittertz (25) from Tel Aviv fell in battle in the Gaza Strip. The two were fighters in the 179th Brigade, Elisha Jonathan in Battalion 8104 and Yosef in Battalion 7029.

Luber was killed in an encounter with terrorists, and Gittertz fell as a result of an anti-tank missile hit. In addition, yesterday two fighters and an officer from the Golan Heights (7) were wounded by a mortar shell in the southern Gaza Strip. Another reservist was seriously wounded in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.

Staff Sergeant (res.) Elisha Jonathan Luber and Sergeant Major (res.) Joseph Gittertz. December 26, 2023/IDF Spokesperson

Louvre, 24, is survived by his wife, her father, his <>-month-old son, both parents and eight siblings. In February, Louvre's cousin Hillel Weigel Yaniv was murdered in the shooting attack in Huwara. Louvre, who was an Avrach at the Shepherd of Israel yeshiva and served as the youth coordinator in the community. Before his death, he wrote to the boys he was accompanying: "I am pleased with you for volunteering. Sick of you, sure you miss you." He added: "Pray for me." He managed to "meet" his son on a video call from the battlefield. His father, Hagai Louvre, published the moving footage two hours before his son's death. "Look what happens when my grandson sees his dad on the phone, after not seeing him for weeks," he wrote.

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Staff Sergeant (Res.) Elisha Jonathan Luber. December 26, 2023/IDF Spokesperson

After being informed that his son had fallen in the fighting, Hagai ordered a "day of unity" in his memory: "Please do not write or broadcast anything of controversy. Highlight the good in our wonderful people, for whom Jonathan was proud to fight. One day of unity and good talk, Jonathan will be so happy upstairs."

Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan eulogized Luber, who grew up in Beit El: "Jonathan fell a heroic death defending the State of Israel. Jonathan was a volunteer and had just begun his young life with his wife Avia. It breaks my heart to think of the son who won't know his father."

Upon the announcement of Louvre's death, it was cleared for publication that Sergeant Major (res.) Yosef Gittertz, Luber's friend in the "Ram" formation, fell yesterday in battle in the southern Gaza Strip. Four other fighters were seriously wounded and rushed to hospitals in Israel for medical treatment.

  • More on the subject:
  • Gaza War
  • Iron Sword War

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