The Limited Times

Free parking? Austrian goes out to eat for over 1000 euros – merciless parking fee follows

12/26/2023, 3:53:41 AM

Highlights: Free parking? Austrian goes out to eat for over 1000 euros – merciless parking fee follows. A restaurant customer suddenly received a bill in the three-digit range. The parking spaces are currently located at the trendy furniture store Kika, which is located opposite. The chef of the XXL restaurant also upset by the situation. He described this as "conduct damaging to business" The restaurant had advertised 300 parking spaces, which in turn would make it difficult for the company's customers to find places for their cars.

Last updated: 26.12.2023, 04:46 a.m.

By: Michelle Brey

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A supposedly free parking space is causing a stir. A restaurant customer suddenly received a bill in the three-digit range.

Vienna – Do you want to fill your belly with friends or family? XXL restaurants in Austria make it possible. A Viennese once quickly spent a proud 1120 euros. But he probably didn't expect an additional bill. A few weeks later, it fluttered into his mailbox – and has little to do with the food itself.

Austrian supposedly uses free parking space - and gets bill in the three-digit range

Finding a parking space can be a hassle. Especially in city centres, it is often difficult to find a parking space. In Munich, for example, parking fees were increased in 2022. It is practical when visiting restaurants if there are free parking spaces for visitors – such as at the Leopoldauer Alm. The parking spaces are currently located at the trendy furniture store Kika, which is located opposite. As reported, the Viennese took advantage of this and parked his car there. The result: a claim of 255 euros from a commissioned lawyer.

A restaurant customer wanted to park for free and ended up getting a hefty bill. (Symbolic image) © Roberto Seidel/Imago

The customer told the newspaper that he was annoyed: "The Leopoldauer Alm advertises the free parking spaces on the Kika square across the street. And now Kika wants to sue me?" He called it a "mess." A glance at the XXL restaurant's website confirms what the customer is saying. There, the company gives its customers the hint: "Free parking vis a vis KIKA".

"Damaging to business": Chef of XXL restaurant also upset

Meanwhile, the chef of the restaurant stood opposite behind his guest. He explained:

  • For 15 years, there has been a contract between his restaurant and the trendy furniture store for the use of the parking spaces.
  • He has now contacted a lawyer.
  • Attempts at clarification have so far been unsuccessful.
  • His employees had received similar demands when using the parking lots.
  • He described this as "conduct damaging to business".

On the part of the furniture store, it was said that there had been problems on site. The restaurant had advertised 300 parking spaces, which in turn would make it difficult for the company's customers to find places for their cars. Whether the conflict can be resolved soon remains to be seen. However, it would certainly be the best thing for both companies and their customers.

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One woman almost had to dig deeper into her pocket after a visit to a restaurant. She was supposed to pay 55,000 euros. A photo was the trigger. (mbr)

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