The Limited Times

Immigration law: the president of the "Autonomous Republic of Seine-Saint-Denis" returns blow for blow to Éric Ciotti

12/26/2023, 5:32:01 AM

Highlights: Immigration law: the president of the "Autonomous Republic of Seine-Saint-Denis" returns blow for blow to Éric Ciotti. The President (PS) of the Departmental Council has written to the Prime Minister to express his concerns after the vote on the law. Stéphane Troussel was visibly stung by the letter written by Éric Ciotti on Friday 22 December. The Immigration law, voted by the National Assembly on Tuesday 19 December, plans to tighten the conditions of access to the personalized autonomy allowance (APA) for foreigners.

The President (PS) of the Departmental Council has written to the Prime Minister to express his concerns after the vote on the law and

Stéphane Troussel, the Socialist president of the Seine-Saint-Denis departmental council, was visibly stung by the letter written by Éric Ciotti. On Friday 22 December, the leader of the Republicans wrote a letter to Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne to draw her "attention" to the fact that several departments had announced their decision to maintain the payment of aid to foreign elderly people with a loss of autonomy, while the Immigration law, voted by the National Assembly on Tuesday 19 December, plans to tighten the conditions of access to the personalized autonomy allowance (APA) for foreigners.

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"Will you let them constitute territories outside the State, create the Autonomous Republic of Seine-Saint-Denis, the Principality of Gironde or the County of Paris in defiance of the most fundamental rules of our Republic?" wrote the elected representative of the Alpes-Maritimes, for whom this law represents "a historic victory for the right".

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